I Houdini'd

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  My heart skipped a beat in absolute happiness and relief as I gasped in shock but grinned, "Steve!"
  The man stepped away from me so he didn't have me pinned against the wall anymore. Although, I didn't let him get too far from me as I leaped toward him and wrapped my arms around him. His shoulders shook as he chuckled and returned the hug. While we were holding onto each other he questioned, "Did you just attack me with a dictionary?"
  So, I slowly pulled away with a guilty look evident on my face, "Uh... sorry about that."
  Steve smirked and raised his eyebrow toward me but then his expression melted with worry when he looked over me, "What happened to you?"
  Instantly, I turned my gaze to the floor while I scratched the back of my neck bashfully, "It's a long story..."
  Luckily, Rogers didn't press as he turned toward the door. After gently clamping his hand to my shoulder and smiling down at me, he urged, "Come on. We'll get you out of here." Steve lead me out of the cell and through the hallway. The corridor was familiar as we passed by the accustomed door. It was the bathroom door which meant the door with mine and Tony's stuff was near us. My eyes quickly spotted it and I knew I needed to get in there.
  I stopped and tugged on Steve's hand, "Wait! I need in there!"
  Steve stopped and glanced at the door that I was motioning to. Then he paused but sighed and nodded. So I raced to the door and stared at the keypad. Hopefully, they didn't change it. I typed in the familiar buttons 3-4-3-9. The door gave a single beep and clicked open. As soon as I swung the door open, barrels of multiple guns stared down at me. I flinched and squeaked while the loud pops sounded around me.
  As the slowed time passed, I realized that I wasn't dead so I blinked open my eyes to find Steve hiding my body behind his shield. The bullets were just bouncing off the shield so Rogers reacted fast and yanked me out of the room.
  After I leaned against a wall for a few moments, I took a deep breath but turned back to the hero, "Steve, I need in there," I begged.
  The man glanced back toward the entrance then dipped his head, "Alright. Stay here." I watched as he flicked his shield into the room like a frisbee and I could hear it bouncing off the walls. Steve jumped back into the room and out of my view as the door closed behind him. My body tensed since I couldn't see what was happening and I held my breath while I waited.
  There were a few more gunshots and I flinched at the thoughts that were swimming through my head. Anxiety pricked my heart at the thought of Steve getting hurt consumed me. Eventually, the door to the room opened and I braced myself for the results.
  "Come on," Steve motioned with his head inside.
  My body relaxed a lot more as I followed him into the room. I snatched my bracelet off of the table and glanced around at the men lying unconscious on the floor. It really impressed me to know that Steve could take on so many threats at once. Then my gaze flicked to the corner where Tony's suit lay. 
  Before I could ask, the door opened and men started filing in. I gasped and backed away into a table in fear that it was more bad guys. Steve reacted too and stepped in front of me as he got ready with his shield but once the men came into view we both slowly relaxed. The outfits were familiar as I realized it was the men from SHIELD.
  Steve took charge as he glanced at the metal suit in the corner, "Find a way to get that to Tony."
  Some of the men nodded so Steve took my hand again as he led me out into the hall. I slipped my bracelet on my wrist and felt much more comfortable. We continued down the hall until it became unfamiliar.
  "So... SHIELD's here?" I wondered to start a conversation.
  Steve glanced down at me for a split second then back at the hallway in front of us while he answered, "Yeah, SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers."
  Before I could stop myself, I gasped and gave a little jump of excitement, "Really?! They're here too?"
  His eyes gleamed with a smile as he gave a quick nod.
  The statement stayed in my head which caused me to think harder. "Uh, speaking of 'here', where are we?"
  "Well, we're currently near the border of the United States but we're technically on a mountain in Canada," Steve explained.
  My eyebrows narrowed in shock and confusion, "Canada?"
  Rogers nodded to answer as he turned and lead me down another hallway. "You didn't notice the long drive?"
  Which made my mind go back to that day, "They drugged me."
  Like he was caught off guard, Steve flicked his concerned and surprised gaze to mine, "I'm sorry Sam."
  Not wanting to let the topic continue, I allowed the silence to build in the space between us. My head was still spinning and I hoped he knew where he was going while we trekked down the long hallway that was still filled with the sound of the screaming alarm. Before he could turn another corner he paused.
  "Stay here, for a second. I'm going to make sure the coast is clear," Steve informed me then turned around the corner and out of view.
  My heart tightened as it beat faster in nervousness when he left. I knew he was just trying to make sure that I was safe because there could be bad guys around the corner. However, it wasn't safe to leave me here alone!
  Mostly because as soon as Steve left there was a chuckle behind me, "Trying to leave so soon? I thought we taught you better than that, sweetpea."
  The voice made my heart drop to my stomach so I slowly turned around to face Walter who was grinning with anticipation. I tried to swallow a lump in my throat as I took a cautious step back, away from the man.

(Omg so many cliffhangers! I may post another chapter today but if not then it'll be posted tomorrow. Thank you for everyone's support! See you in the next chapter ;) 
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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