Like In The Movies

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  As I paced up the steps, I kept my eyes on my phone. I read over the text that Cassie had sent me about half an hour ago: "Come over, we need to talk." Fortunately, I knew where she lived because I had been to her place multiple times. Cassie lived with her mom who lived in a five-story apartment. She happened to live on the fifth story. Alas, the elevator wasn't working because this was a pretty crappy apartment building but a little exercise never hurt anyone.
  Even though this wasn't the best part of town, it beat staying at home alone. Both Tony and Pepper were still at work - probably doing some meeting or something. So hanging out with Cassie sounded fun, even if she had to "talk".
  Honestly, the message she sent me left my mind spinning in curiosity. It could be a million things that she could want to talk about. It could be about Tony, Titanium, S.H.I.E.L.D., or even about the math homework. Going through all of the different possibilities definitely made the trip up the stairs a lot quicker.
  Eventually, I turned the corner and her door was in sight. As soon as my eyes connected with the silver number 507, I knew I had the right room. So I lifted my arm and gave four firm knocks on the wooden door. After a moment of silence, I gave another few knocks. While I waited, I rocked back and forth on my heels in anticipation. Except there was still no answer. A sigh slipped from my lips and I banged on the door with force.
  Still no reply so I called out, "Cassie! It's me!... You said you needed to talk...? Come on, you know I hate coded messages."
  Alas, there was still no response. Was something wrong? Before I could bust open the door - because now I was worried - another noise filled the hallways. Peculiarly, it sounded like a bunch of marching footsteps coming down the hall. Well, that didn't sound right.
  Definitely curious about what was going on, I snuck to the corner and peeked my head out. Immediately, I saw the culprits of the noise. There was a lineup of soldiers with rifles storming down the hallway in my direction. The soldiers looked fully decked out in their uniforms. They were all in black; helmets, boots, even their protective vests.
  At first, I paused in curiosity why they were here. Maybe they needed help so I glanced down at my wrist and pressed the button on the bracelet. After a few moments, nothing happened. Usually, a light on the bracelet symbolized that it was working but when I tried to press it again, a small noise came from the metal. What the hell? Did they hack my suit?!
  So they were definitely not good guys...
  Reacting quickly, I raced to the end of the hallway away from the soldiers. I didn't stop until I was at the window that was at the end of the hallway. The marching was getting closer so I knew they were about on to me so I lifted the window up and glanced down at the fire escape. Thank goodness the building was useful for something. I hopped out onto the fire escape and hid behind the wall so the soldiers wouldn't be able to see me out of the window.
  "Well, this is just great," I muttered, taking a deep breath. I knew I needed help to get out of this so I pulled out my phone to call Tony. Alas, when I glanced at the screen, it was all glitchy which meant they hacked that too. "Are you kidding me?!" I growled under my breath but slipped the useless device back into my pocket. Now I had to figure out another plan.
  "She's not in the room," a deeper voice seeped from inside the apartment building.
  Another voice chimed in, "Where else could she be?"
  A different man ordered, "The window. If she runs, shoot her."
  Stifling a groan of agitation, I felt my body tense up in anticipation. I was going to have to think of something quick or else-
  Too late. The window slid up and I watched as the barrel of a rifle peeked out of the window. They didn't notice me yet while one of the men slipped out of the window and onto the fire escape with me. Before they could realize I was here, instincts - and training - kicked in as I launched forward and grabbed the assault rifle. Since the soldier was still halfway inside the apartment and halfway outside on the fire escape, it gave me better leverage to twist the gun out of his hands.
  Once the weapon was in my grasp, I reeled back then slammed the butt of the gun against the man's helmet which knocked him off balance. I was so going to have to thank Natasha for the training later. However, another soldier was stepping onto the fire escape behind me. Before I could completely turn around, he fought me for the dangerous gun that I had in my arms. My back was slammed into the railing behind me and I knew that I wasn't strong enough to fend off the man which meant that I had to think of something else.
  This plan was dangerous but it was the only one I had so far which meant that I was going for it. I forced my legs up and against the soldier's chest. When I kicked off, this made me do a flip backward and off of the railing. Time seemed to stop as I flew off of the fire escape but the next level of railing came into view. After bracing for impact, I held my hands up until they caught the next story railing. My arms jerked at my body's weight.
  The only problem was the momentum was too strong to be able to pull myself up. So I dropped down onto the next level railing - luckily on my feet. The landing was a bit clumsy but it definitely felt like a superhero move. Except, when I peered into the window of the third story, I noticed that there were still soldiers in that hallway coming after me.
  I began to race toward the stairs so I could continue down. Alas, the railing was old and rusty - definitely not up to safety standards. I knew this apartment was crap but was this really going to be the death of me? Before I could reach the stairs, the latches broke and the fire escape began to swing. Of course, I lost my footing but I managed to grab a rail. The fire escape swung towards a window so I braced myself when my fingers slipped.
  After blinking a few times, I finally opened my eyes and glanced around. I noticed that I had slipped through the second-story window - that was fortunately open - and landed gracefully on my butt. Blinking a few times, I muttered to myself, "I'm alive...?" Finally, I jumped up to my feet and exclaimed, "Yes!" in glee. How I managed to survive that stunt, I'll never know.
  Focusing back on the situation, I raced to the staircase so I could finally leave the building. Unfortunately, as soon as I reached the staircase, I noticed the mass of soldiers that were marching down the staircase from the upper floors and another group storming up the stairs from the lower floors. All of which were about to find me if I didn't get out of there.
  Running, yet again down the halls, I wiggled each doorknob in hopes to find someone in an apartment room that didn't lock their doors. It seemed like it was hopeless until - finally - I tumbled into an open room. Even though I didn't expect anyone to be in their room, I was proven wrong when my eyes locked on to a man watching tv. Immediately, alarm filled his eyes as I entered his room.
  Although, I didn't let it stop me as I closed his door, locked it, and continued deeper into the man's home. "You should really lock your doors. Do you know how dangerous keeping your door unlocked is? Someone could barge in," I ranted before my eyes locked on to his phone that was sitting on his table. Swiftly, I snatched up his phone and raced toward his balcony. Before I left, I explained, "I have to borrow this. You'll get a new phone in the mail tomorrow. Pinky promise! Bye!" Then I yanked the door open and scanned my options.
  On this floor, everyone had a balcony. The other side of the building had another building next to it. Watching action movies really helped because it gave me the idea to head for the roof. Was the plan stupid? Probably, but it was my only chance.
  Figuring I had some time, I pulled out the dude's phone that I stole and immediately began to call Tony. I really needed his help right about now. I put the phone up to my ear and listened to it ring as I waited. Alas, the phone went to voicemail so I sighed and spoke into the messaging system, "Tony, it's me. I really need your help right now. My suit isn't working and there are bad people after me. So, whenever you're done with that meeting, I really need you to call me back. Or, better yet, hop in your suit and help me out! Yeah, thanks, bye." With a sigh, I ended the call and turned back to the balconies.
  When I was about to jump, I could hear a door crash in so I turned my head and noticed that the soldiers had busted into the random man's apartment. As soon as they spotted me, I turned back to the balconies and made a quick decision. I leaped up onto the railing of the balcony and launched myself onto the next balcony. The landing was rough but I was surprised that it actually worked.
  Except I didn't stop there as I continued to jump from balcony to balcony until the neighboring building came into view. Just a few more-
  Haplessly, before I could jump to the last balcony, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me. I screamed in shock and alarm as I tried to kick the man in hopes he'd let me go. Although, the protective vest that he was wearing protected him from my blows. I took a deep breath to calm down and let a plan form.
  Finally, I lurched back and made the soldier slam into the wall behind him. While he was dazed, I kicked my foot up and caught him in the chest. It shoved him away from me but I launched forward and threw my fist at his face. Stupidly enough, his face was protected by the guarded helmet and mask so pain shot through my fist.
  "Ow! You bitch," I hissed and held my fist in pain. "That looked a lot cooler in my head," I muttered to myself.
  The soldier jumped forward to grab me again but I ducked under his grasp then shoved him into the railing. This was my only chance. I slid forward and grabbed his legs before tilting him up and over the railing of the balcony. The man fell off but we were only on the second floor and all of the equipment that he had on would protect him.
  Not checking to see if he was okay, I jumped to the next balcony and could finally reach the building next door. With a quick breath, I launched over the railing. The landing would've been rough but I knew the momentum was so strong that I tucked and rolled before getting back to my feet. Of course, I would've been so proud of myself but I didn't have time to celebrate because then I noticed the soldiers pointing their weapons at me from the other building. My eyes widened but I continued to run across the roof.
  Bullets whizzed past me and a screech left my lips in shock. They were shooting at me?! I bolted across the roof - trying to run even faster - until another building came into view. This building was much taller than the building I was on but it had windows. Without hesitation - because they were shooting at me and I didn't really have time to stop and think - my feet left the building as I flew through the sky and into a nearby window. I braced for impact as I rolled across the floor. If any glass had cut me, I couldn't feel it.
  When all movement stopped, I finally opened my eyes and slowly got back to my feet. I peered around and noticed that I was in an office-type area. Everyone was sitting at a desk and was working on their computers. Well, of course, until I crashed through the window. Now they were all staring at me with wide eyes.
  After taking a deep breath, I calmly strolled through the office and took the random phone from my pocket. I dialed Tony again and held it up to my ear. Not surprisingly, it rang for a few minutes then went to voicemail again. Giving my body some time to rest, I continued to call him a few more times in hopes he would get annoyed and finally answer. Except, he didn't. So I decided to call Pepper next.
  Apparently, she was in a business meeting as well because she didn't answer either. What was with these people?! My life was in jeopardy and they couldn't even answer their phones? This was exhausting.
  The worst part was that I noticed the soldiers filing out of the apartment building and towards the office building that I was in. This was just great. With a sigh of exhaustion, I continued my pace through the building but had to maneuver through it like a maze. Finally, I noticed another building next to this one. The only problem was that I was too high to reach it without breaking anything. So I jogged toward the staircase and paced down the stairs until I was on a lower floor.
  Eventually, I ran past different rooms until I spotted the same building through a window. This was going to hurt... I charged forward and jumped - trying to shield myself - as I flew through the window and onto the roof of the other building. After rolling a few feet, I jumped back up and brushed myself off. In fear of them catching up, I didn't take a long break before running across the roof again.
  There were no other buildings nearby so there was only one place to go: down. I got to the edge of the roof - that was luckily only one story - and noticed a smaller concrete roof a few feet down. I jumped off onto the smaller patch of concrete. This made the ground a lot closer so I trekked forward and finally jumped off of the lower roof to the ground. When my feet finally touched the ground, a sigh of relief slipped from my lips.
  "Ha! Good luck catching me now, suckers!" I hollered toward the soldiers that were nowhere in sight.
  With my luck, a giant tank-like truck came into view on the streets carrying even more soldier guys. Where did they all come from?! When the truck noticed me, it started barreling toward me.
  "Welp, alleyway it is," I grumbled before bolting between two buildings and racing down the alley. As I continued to run the back ways, I took out the phone again and wondered who else I could call. I could dial Rhodey but I didn't know his phone number off of the top of my head. Nat and Clint were on a mission. Getting into contact with Bruce Banner probably wouldn't help the situation I was in. Thor - ha, yeah right. There was no one else to call - except for Steve.
  As I sprinted through the alleyway, my fingers were busy dialing Steve's number. Was I really surprised that I memorized it? Not really. Besides, he owed me a coffee. After pressing the call button, I held the phone up to my ear.
  While the phone continued to ring, I had to take a break behind some dumpster. So I leaned against a brick wall as I panted to catch my breath. Running from bad guys was exhausting.
  "This is Rogers," the familiar voice finally answered.
  My heart almost leaped out of my chest in excitement, "Steve! Oh, finally. I've been trying to call you guys all day!" I exclaimed through gasps of air.
  There was a slight pause before he questioned, "Sam? Are you okay?"
  "Um..." I glanced around the alleyway but - luckily - didn't see anybody after me. Then I explained, "Not really... Where are you?"
  "At the gym. Do you need help?" Steve wondered, his voice deep to show serious he was.
  Still trying to catch my breath, I urged, "Just give me the address. Hopefully, I lost them so they won't track us down."
  "Them? Who's-," Steve started but I didn't have time to explain.
  "Steve! The address, please," I begged.
  "It's called Joe's Gym," Rogers admitted.
  Finally, something lucky happened because I peered up and noticed it across the street. "Thank god. I'll catch you in a few minutes."
  After hanging up the phone, I sauntered down the alleyway as if I were on a leisurely stroll through the park. Running would cause a scene. Hopefully, if I didn't run then no one would notice me. So, I took my time walking towards the gym that Steve was talking about.
  When I stepped into the gym, I felt a rush of dizziness. The adrenaline was wearing off and I was becoming tired very fast. However, I ignored it as I searched the area for Steve. Surprisingly, he was waiting in the front for me. By the gleam in his eyes, I could tell he was concerned.
  "There you are!" he ran up to me and admitted, "You had me worried. What happened?"
  "Long story," I confessed while holding my head. I was beginning to get a headache and all I wanted to do right now was take a nap.
  "You're bleeding," Steve's eyes widened in shock but he remained calm.
  I just rolled my eyes, "Of course I'm bleeding. I jumped out of - like - three windows."
  Except he ignored me as he kneeled down to look at my leg, "This is from a bullet, Sam."
  Now my eyes were the ones to widen as I screamed, "I WAS SHOT?! How did I not feel it?!"
  "Adrenaline, probably," Rogers claimed as he bent down to examine the bleeding wound. "From the looks of it, the bullet just grazed your thigh but it's still pretty deep and serious. We need to get you to a hospital."
  Although, I just groaned, "I hate hospitals." I knew he was right, though. Mostly because my vision was getting dark and I could feel the adrenaline escape me. A dull pain began radiating through my body and I knew soon it would become unbearable. Before I knew it, my knees buckled in on themselves.
  "Sam?" Steve's voice sounded like it was coming from underwater.
  "I'm fine," I murmured, more to myself. I tried to catch my breath but the waves of darkness had already covered too much of my vision. The light-headed feeling engulfed me until I felt my body finally give out. Fortunately, I felt him support my weight before I could hit the hard ground. I could hear Steve's voice but I couldn't make out what he was saying. It didn't take long before my vision completely blackened and I passed out. 

(How did Sam manage her escape? I think it's something called the main character syndrome! This was a fun chapter to make and I hope you guys enjoyed it too! We're getting close to the end so I hope everyone is ready to find out how this story ends. I hope to see you in the next chapter!
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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