Whispering Walls

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  As usual, an hour passed and my cell door unlocked. Then I turned my head to realize that the "Butler" was standing in the doorway. His stare was intense and deadly as he waited for me to get up. I noted the slight blue and purple bruises under his eyes and the band-aid that was on the bridge of the man's nose. In normal circumstances, I would've thought that was hilarious but given the look that he was piercing me with, I decided to stifle back a laugh and stand up. Without saying anything, I stood off of my bed and followed him out of my cramped cell. He took me down the familiar hallway to the familiar metal door.
  The door led to the bathroom where I could take a shower but there was another metal door a few feet away that I remembered noting a few days ago. I knew I wasn't allowed to go in there but I was really curious about what was on the other side of the room that was near the bathroom. However, I ignored it for now and stepped into the bathroom. The routine was normal as I found the clean, folded clothes on the shelf and the normal lavender-scented shampoos in the shower.
  In the routine, I took another hour-long cleanse just because it felt like I was safer in the shower than in my own cell and I enjoyed being somewhere that was actually clean and not grimy. Even though I didn't need an hour-long shower, I took that time anyway while standing under the flow of water. It felt especially wonderful since I was getting so tense and the warmth of it made my muscles relax a lot more. 
  Eventually, I turned the water off and began to dry myself off. It all seemed normal but then I felt the walls vibrate from a deep voice coming from outside of the bathroom. The noise was coming from outside the hallway so I stepped closer to the door, with a towel wrapped around myself, and listened closely.
  "How's your nose?" it was a soft and feminine voice.
  There was a scoff and a familiar voice cut through the walls, "It's fine." It was my guard that got a beating from Tony today and - by the tone of his voice - it didn't sound like he wanted to stay on that subject.
  The woman probably noticed it too as she changed the topic, "So... You want to come to the break room and get a coffee?"
  There was a seductive chuckle, "I'd love to," but then there was a sigh and an annoyed response, "But I'm-... babysitting."
  "Ah, the kid," the woman replied as she understood. "But isn't she in the shower?"
  Silence filled the space as there was a brief pause, "I think she just got out..."
  "How long does she take a shower for?" the woman wondered, a mischievous smile in her voice.
  "About an hour," he remembered.
  Another pause kept me on my toes until the lady's voice got closer to the door as - I guessed - she got closer to the guard, "Well, how about tomorrow? We can have an hour to ourselves."
  I could feel myself want to gag but I stayed quiet as the man replied, "Hm, I think tomorrow would work. See you then, Marie."
  Then there was an alluring giggle while the feminine voice got quieter as she seemed to be leaving the hall, "Bye, Walter."
  My eyes lit up with fascination as I heard my guard's name. Of course, I was never going to tell him that I now knew his name but I was definitely storing that in the back of my mind. After realizing that I wasn't finished up in the bathroom, I dried my hair then changed into the neat clothes. Soon, I opened the bathroom door and stepped out while holding back my smirk.
  "Let's go," my guard's voice turned harsh and hateful which was a shocking difference from the way that he talked to Marie. The man gave my shoulder a shove so I stumbled forward through the hall. I knew the way to my cell so I took the lead until the familiar metal door stood in front of me. Walter pulled out a key and slipped it through the door then pushed it open.
  Obediently, I slipped into my cell and watched as the metal door closed behind me. Now that the view of my guard was obstructed, my smile finally showed freely. A plan was forming in my head which made my mind busy. I took a seat on my hard bed and leaned against the wall that the bed was against.
  Even though I knew that I had to figure out what was behind that door near the bathroom, I also knew that I had to be careful since it could be anything. However, I hadn't noticed a lot of people coming in and out of that room so it probably wasn't a place that a lot of people hung out. Although, even if it was an escape route, would I leave? If I did leave this base then that would leave Tony alone which made me wonder if I could even find my way back home. Except I knew that I couldn't just do nothing, either. All we had been doing is waiting, and waiting around wasn't going to get us rescued. Even if it did, it would probably be too late.
  There was a clank that pulled me from my reverie. I turned my attention to the slot in the metal door that opened. A tray slipped through to signal that it was dinner but the tray with the spaghetti was tossed in carelessly so it clanked to the concrete floor. This caused the meal to go everywhere on the floor and I was quick to realize that this was intentional.
  Knowing who would have such hate behind the action, I yelled, "How's your nose, bird-brain?!"
  There wasn't a response so I stood up and paced toward the upside-down tray. When I flipped it over, I realized that there was no salvageable food. A growl ripped from my throat as I kicked the tray so hard that it bounced off a wall. I sat down on my bed and hid my face in my hands, knowing that I was going to be hungry tomorrow. This night was not going too well.
  Eventually, the lights clicked off and I was left in darkness and silence. It wasn't any easier to fall asleep tonight, especially with my head racing. Luckily, I finally blinked and faded into empty unconsciousness on the uncomfortable bed.

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