Sarcasm Activated

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  Later that night I was put back into my cell while Tony was held somewhere else far away from me. The bed was hard and uncomfortable which made my entire body cramped up. The night was long and painful but my mind wouldn't let me sleep anyway. So many thoughts and plans were racing in my head that I couldn't get any peace. The worst part, they left the light on in my cell which made it almost impossible to sleep.
  Unfortunately, I tossed and turned the whole night. It was miserable and the more I tried to go to sleep the more restless I became. Finally, my body and mind had enough so I blacked out into an empty and useless unconsciousness for an hour or so.
  The morning came abruptly and unpleasantly as the door creaked open and someone yanked on my arm. It was not an enjoyable way to wake up because I couldn't even process in my mind what was happening. Reluctantly, I dragged my feet down the hallway while my brain tried to turn on.
  Since it was morning, I was really irritable in replying, "Hey, you could be more gentle," the words spat from my mouth like venom.
  "I'd be nicer if I were you, sweetpea," the familiar mocking tone snapped back.
  Ignoring the order, I glanced around at my surroundings. The only thing I noticed was that we were going down a hallway until we turned down another unfamiliar corridor, then I was completely lost where we were headed to. "Where are we going?"
  "Shut up," the man barked.
  You're seriously just going to yank me from my awful but much-needed sleep then you're going to drag me to God knows where and you're going to tell ME to shut up? My brain ranted, which I debated on whether or not to say it out loud. "I deserve to know," I finally snarled back.
  "I guess you'll find out," the man commented as he shoved me somewhere.
  As I always do, I stumbled on my feet. Then rage shook my entire body as I shot around towards the man, "YOU JERK-!" I started to charge him but someone grabbed my arm.
  "Woah, Sam. Not today," the calming voice of my adoptive guardian slipped into my ears as he pulled me away.
  So, I took a deep breath and glanced around the bright room. After squinting slightly, I noticed we were in a larger room with tables.
  Annoyingly, Stark stepped back and glanced over at me, "Wow, you are not looking too hot..."
  In spite, I sent a glare his way while muttering, "Thanks, Tony," in a sarcastic tone. Then I turned back to the room, "Why are we here?"
  "Lunch," Tony answered with a sigh. "You're probably really hungry, aren't you?"
  My stomach roared an answer so I added, "You have no idea."
  He took my hand and led me to another table with food spread out. I glanced at the few options then my mouth started watering at the sight of the food.
  However, I narrowed my eyebrows, "Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?"
  Tony glanced down at me, "What? I can't help the guy on an empty stomach."
  As a reply, I sighed and rolled my eyes but grabbed a plastic plate and a sandwich. Then I grabbed a coke and a small bag of chips, following after my uncle. I sat down at a table next to him then sat my stuff down and traced my finger around the cold cylinder of the can of soda.
  "So what are we going do?" I questioned.
  "Eat?" Stark guessed.
  I scoffed, "No, Tony. I mean about getting out of here."
  "Sam, I don't even know what he wants, yet. For all we know, he could just need help getting into the inter-webs," he joked.
  Although, I wasn't amused, "We should be ready if anything were to happen."
  However, Tony seemed hesitant at the idea as he pointed out, "We've only been here for a day. If we need to, we can figure it out some other time. I told that Lesser guy that I want us to at least spend lunch together and he agreed. So, give me until tomorrow at lunch to figure out what he wants before you start thinking ahead. Got it?"
  "Alright, fine," I pouted but changed the subject by eating my sandwich. I tried to eat slow but the food was gone before I blinked. I wiped my face with a napkin then slid my fingers toward the can of soda. There was a click and the can opened, then I pressed the cold, wet container to my lips. I chugged down the soda which definitely woke my system up. When I put the can back down, my head was still spinning, "So, you haven't made a solid deal yet?"
  Tony paused before answering but he explained, "We'll go over that today, so I'll tell you when I have news."
  Except I crossed my arms and kept my stare on the table, "I, at least, want a shower every day."
  "You will be taken care of," he promised with genuine and caring eyes.
  This seemed to spark something inside of me, "I don't care what you or Lesser think, I'm not staying here longer than I need to."
  Stark shrunk toward me so he was closer to my ears, "I'm not saying I want to stay here. I just don't want to rush out of here and risk you getting hurt. And I don't want you doing anything stupid, understand?"
  Which made me send a glare toward Tony, "Glad you have such faith in me."
  "I'm serious, Samantha," his voice suddenly turned deep and stern.
  "Alright, fine. I won't do anything 'stupid'... You should know that is an ambiguous thing to say," I exclaimed, harsh sass lacing my voice.
  "Would 'screw you' be appropriate here?" Stark retorted.
  A smirk instantly appeared on my face, "Ah, there's my witty uncle back. For a second there, I thought you were about to go full parental guardian on me."
  Tony rolled his eyes childishly and replied, "Oh, I'd never," obvious sarcasm filling his tone. Then, he added, "Now go throw your stuff away. We only have a few more minutes left."
  Reluctantly, I did as I was told without question. I slipped my empty plate and vacant bag of chips into the trash can. After the last of the soda slid down my throat, I threw the can away as well. I turned back around and walked back to Tony who was finishing his drink off. I knew we would leave soon so, after taking a quick glance at the floor, I stated questioningly, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow...?"
  "I'll fill you in on everything I know," Tony gave me a reassuring smile as he threw his stuff away as well.
  The rest of the few minutes were up and the guards, who were by the door - farther away -, got the clue as they stepped toward my uncle. They took Tony first as they led him out of the room and down the hall to wherever he hung out. Next, my personal bodyguard escorted me out of the room. Well, let me rephrase that; the nickname-loving jerk shoved me out of the room and dragged me back to my cell. Sounds accurate enough.
  Maybe I should come up with a nickname for the loser, my head start spinning. Or I could just ask. "Hey, what's your name?" I asked my PBG - personal bodyguard.
  "Keep walking," he snarled.
  "That's an odd name... Did your mother hate you?" I questioned innocently.
  The man huffed in agitation, "I am two seconds away from shutting you up."
  We passed by a peculiar looking doorway so I pointed, "What's that door?"
  "Shut up," he ordered.
  "Will I ever go in there?" I continued to ask questions, even though the man was obviously not having any of it.
  "No. Now keep moving," he stated, simply.
  So, I let that linger in my head. Then I gasped suddenly, so the man's eyes shifted toward me, "I got it!"
  The man narrowed his eyebrows, "Got what?"
  I smirked, mischievously, "Butler!"
  "What?" he asked, genuinely curious.
  In response, I grinned and explained, "That's your nickname, Butler... I think it suits you... Although, you need to have an accent. What kind of accent can you do? Or would that be insensitive?"
  The man completely bypassed my statement as he looked toward some other muscular-looking males, "Hey, could you open the door? Maybe duck tape her mouth."
  There was a clank and my cell door swung open. Without hesitation, Butler gave me a harder shove than usual into the cell. Even though I almost fell to the ground, I grinned to know that I was getting on his nerves. Luckily, I caught my balance and watched as they closed my door. Back in the cage. So, without having anything else to do, I sat down on the bed and stared at the wall to let my mind wander.

(Happy New Year everyone! Let's make 2022 a great year :)
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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