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  The landing was a bit bumpy so it pulled me from my nap. My eyes slowly blinked open and I carefully leaned away from Tony to look around. Everyone in the helicopter was slowly standing up and ready to leave. So, I followed Tony's lead as he stood up and stepped out of the helicopter. The sun hit me first as I winced but quickly recovered as I stayed at his heels. Then there were quick flashes so I glanced up and noticed reporters surrounding the aircraft and taking pictures. I tried to shrink behind Tony's larger stance but it didn't work so well because there were cameras from every angle.
  "Tony!" a familiar voice called then I lifted my gaze to see a worried Pepper. She bolted to the man and wrapped her arms around him. My gaze shifted to the ground as I hid my hands behind my back, awkwardly. Then Pepper let go of Tony and glanced down at me. She smiled and tackled me with a hug. At first, I was stunned but I got over it and hugged her back with my face beaming in glee. "Let's get you guys to the car," Pepper motioned with her head as we lagged behind the other Avengers.
  Then my attention turned to the familiar van that was parked some ways away. It was definitely a SHIELD vehicle. Out of habit, I wanted to sigh and roll my eyes but I was, honestly, pretty happy to see the unassailable van. The three of us followed after the heroes until we reached the car then we all slipped in. I hadn't realized it before but the van was pretty big and held most of us. Clint and Natasha stepped into the vehicle with us while Cap and the others stayed behind to talk to Fury who was there to meet with them. 
  This was like our own escort and it made me feel safer since the two skillfully trained spies were with us. I figured Tony would have to consult with Fury at some later time but - as of right now - they wanted to get us home and out of danger. Although, I couldn't help the worrying thoughts that followed me into the van. 
  "Where are you guys going to put Professor Terrain?" I asked anyone in the car that would answer.
  Alas, Tony replied first which wasn't something I expected, "Not now, Sam."
  The response confused me because I didn't know if he was tired or just didn't want to talk about it. Although, I could see Tony slowly becoming tense so I knew something was wrong. "What do you mean?" I pressed, my eyebrows narrowed. I pulled away from Stark so I could look him in the eyes and read him.
  Alas, no one broke the silence to answer my question as everyone exchanged glances. Now I definitely knew something was wrong. My heart rate increased in speed and I could feel the tingle of anxiety slowly building up inside of me.
  Fortunately, Clint answered me before I could have a panic attack, "He wasn't there."
  I was still hopelessly confused so I continued the interrogation, "What does that mean?"
  Finally, Natasha explained, "We didn't find him. He escaped."
  My heart turned into concrete as it fell into my stomach. I scanned my gaze across the vast expressions that everyone was giving me. Eventually, I sat back in the seat with my thoughts racing. He was free? That meant he could come back after us or even fulfill his plan of destroying the world. Most of all, that meant that this wasn't over.


  The vehicle jerked as it stopped so I turned my stare out of the window. The van was full of silence and the air felt like it was suffocating me. As soon as my eyes locked in with Tony's place, I jumped out of the van. I knew that Pepper and Tony were still trying to get out of the car and catch up to me but I didn't let them get close as I stormed into the building. When I stepped in, I found the elevator and pressed the button. Luckily I slipped in and the doors closed quick enough so I could be by myself, alone with my thoughts. I watched the different numbers flash as I thought about it not being over. How could I believe that I would ever be free from this nightmare? Then the doors opened so I walked out and into my bedroom, slamming the door with frustration. I wasn't mad at Tony or anything but I needed to be by myself right now so I didn't want to see him.
  Finally, there was a bang against my door, "Sam, open the door."
  "No," I exclaimed, firmly.
  "Come on, we're supposed to meet with Dr. Fam. I just figured you'd want to come home first to get ready," his voice eased only slightly.
  However, the thought of having to get a checkup made a painful shudder run through me, "I'm fine."
  Alas, he didn't give up, "Well if you're fine then it should be no big deal."
  A sigh slipped from my lips, he was right. Everything felt like it hurt from the buildup of abuse the last few days. However, it didn't feel like anything serious so maybe the checkup would be quick and they'd confirm that there was nothing wrong. Other than some bruises and open cuts but I was used to getting a bit beat up by the bad guys. 
  "Sam, if you don't open the door now then I will kick it down," he threatened.
  I hadn't realized that I hadn't answered him yet so - with a groan of contempt - I slowly opened the door then crossed my arms, "Fine, but if we're not home by dinnertime then I'm leaving. And I don't want your attitude."
  His jaw dropped as Tony scoffed at me, "My attitude?"
  "Oh look, there it is," I pointed out while having to suppress a laugh.
  Fortunately Stark was a good sport about it as he agreed, "Fine, no sass from me."
  With a smirk, I agreed, "Okay, sounds good to me."
  Once I agreed, Tony appeared to have relaxed a bit. It was the smart move to get checked out but I was still nervous. Although, if it helped put his mind at ease then the least I could do was make sure everything was fine with me. 
  The two of us stepped into the elevator but the silence made my mind wander. To be honest, I was a bit upset they didn't catch Terrain and then didn't tell me. Of course, I wasn't too upset because I was finally home. I was grateful to have Tony at my side again. I just had to hope that he wouldn't go over the top and paranoid with our protection from Terrain. 
  After I followed the man to one of his cars, I sunk into the seat as he started the engine. It was one of his more comfortable cars so the takeoff was pretty easy. He went a little over the speed limit to get me there faster but I ignored it as my thoughts wandered deeper. If Terrain was still free somewhere then how were we going to find him? Would I have enough strength to face him again? Just the thought of coming face to face with any of those guards made my heart tighten in worry and anticipation - especially facing Walter.
  When I peered out of the window again, the hospital was standing outside. After taking a deep breath, I followed Tony into the building.


  "I'm not worried about any internal bleeding or anything broken," the doctor explained after looking at the results of the tests. At first, I was relieved but she continued, "The body has been through a lot of stress though so I have to order you to take it easy for a while. Maybe even take some time off from school."
  My eyebrows narrowed and I repeated, "No school?"
  "It would be best so you can heal," she nodded.
  "Is there anything else?" Tony tested.
  "There were some signs of a minor concussion but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Everything else will need some time to heal. The bandages on her hand will need to be changed every day for about a week to avoid infection. I can send you home with some pain meds but it's basically ibuprofen that you can get at any store," the woman explained.
  Tony nodded then dipped his head, "Alright, thank you."
  The doctor smiled and nodded so we headed out of the room. I glanced down at my palms that had bandages hiding the deep cuts going through them from the breaking window. It had stopped bleeding and the doctor cleaned it up but I knew my hands were going to be sore for a while. Then, my lips wilted in a small pout at the thought of having to stay home for a while.
  However, Tony must likely would've put me on house arrest anyway until we caught Terrain for my safety. Maybe taking it easy at home would be good for me. I might even be able to help Tony with catching the bad guys. 
  "Sorry, kid," Tony shrugged lightly when he noticed my sour look. Even though his tone was light, I noticed the guilty expression in his eyes. It shocked me for a moment because not once did I ever think this was Tony's fault. I may have been a little beaten up but it was nothing serious and most of it was my own fault. At least I wasn't dead.
  We reached the car so I slid in with my thoughts. My beating heart was slowing down as I began to relax. The two of us arrived back home so I paced beside Tony and followed him into the elevator. The space went up a floor since the building was only two stories - not including the basement where Tony would work most of the time - and the doors opened to the living room. Near the living room was the kitchen where I noticed Pepper placing steaming plates of food on the table.
  "Ah, just in time," Pepper smiled.
  My heart leaped with excitement at the smell of food but it skipped for something else too. It was a relief that I was back home and everything was normal. Well, for the most part. I came to the conclusion that life was never going to be "normal" with Tony around but I accepted that pretty quickly. Although, for us, this was normal and I yearned to feel this again. So, with a warm smile on my face, I joined the couple at the table and sat down. Looking thankfully at the prepared meal. Then my eyes wandered up to the two; they were smiling and happy. This was family. 

Sam: Imprisoned (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now