Promises Kept

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  The morning was one of the better ones since I slept a lot better. Well, it was great until my cell door opened. A sigh slipped from my mouth but I complied and stood off my bed. I stepped out of the cell and tried my best to obey the guard.
  However, Walter didn't seem to care as he snatched my sore wrist. At first, I didn't know if he forgot or if it was an absent-minded reaction.
  "Ow," I tried to remind him. Alas, he didn't release his grip so I yanked myself away from him and snapped, "That hurts!"
  He glared down at me then grasped my wrist tightly again, but this time he twisted. I gasped and felt the bone in my arm on the verge of breaking. I bit my lip to hold back a cry of pain as he held my wrist there. The man leaned close to me, "If you think he will always be there to save you, you're wrong. Because, one of these days, we're not going to need you and you'll be begging me to stop."
  I swallowed hard as I stared the man in his eyes. I couldn't hold back the fear in my gaze so he smirked but released his grip. The pain subsided but it was still evident. All I wanted to do was shrink away from the man but I held my head up as I followed him to the lunchroom. Once I stepped into the room, I glanced behind me to see my guard giving me one more glare before closing the door while he stayed out into the hallway.
  After taking a shaky breath, I stepped toward the table with food. Tony met up with me as I poured some beef stew into a bowl. I watched him do the same as we sat down on a table to eat.
Stark lifted his gaze to me then he narrowed his eyebrows, "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."
  Hesitantly, I turned my head to look at him as I forced a smile, "I'm fine. Just hungry."
  Alas, Tony's glance turned stern, "Don't lie to me, Sam."
  "Do you have a plan of getting out of here yet?" I changed the subject.
  Which made him pause for a split second but figured there was no point in arguing. "No, I'm still working on it," Tony explained. "Please don't do anything until I figure something out."
  I picked up a fork and stabbed it into my bowl then pulled out a chunk of potato. My head was still spinning so I tried to ignore it and eat but my stomach was too twisted to eat anything. The space between me and Tony was quiet but it was still a comfortable feeling as I poked at the food in the bowl.
  "Kid, let's go," a forceful voice broke the silence from behind me. I flinched at the tone but obediently stood up and turned to look at Walter standing near the lunchroom door. Stark turned his head as well and the two locked eyes. There was a tense staredown with the two glaring at each other. Until I walked to my guard and motioned that I was ready.
  The man gave one more glowering gaze toward Tony but walked behind me as I led myself to my cell. My shoulders rose and fell in a sigh as I watched the door close behind me.
  The habitual hour passed so I followed after Walter to the bathroom where I took the routine shower. I didn't leave this time because I was going to wait for the perfect time. Eventually, I stepped out of the shower, dried off, changed, and walked back out. Yet again, my guard walked me back to my cell but as soon as the door closed my attention was pulled to something lying on my bed. I stepped closer and picked it up then smirked; it was the dictionary.
  A couple of hours of me flipping through the giant book passed and a guard slipped in some dinner for me. I pulled the bowl closer to me and tried to eat a few pieces but couldn't even eat a fourth of the smaller portioned beef stew. After eating as much as I could swallow, I sat down on my bed and leaned against the wall while flipping through random pages of the dictionary. Making up games that I could play with the words and letters in the book.
  Eventually, the light flicked off so I couldn't read the book but that was fine by me. The darkness allowed me to think more about my plan. Of course, I was going to wing-half of it but I still had to have some idea of what I was going to do. So I let a plan cycle through my head while coming up with different scenarios that could happen. I couldn't question it too much because I knew the time was coming. I could feel the eternity passing until I felt as though it finally reached the middle of the night. My eyelids were slowly getting heavy but I forced myself to stay awake or else I would sleep past the plan. Whatever was going to go down was going to happen tonight because I wasn't going to wait any longer.
  After taking a deep breath, I stood from my bed and glanced around my cell. My heart started beating faster with the anxiety that the plan wouldn't work. However, I ignored the menacing thoughts and focused on what I needed to do. I stepped closer to a corner and gasped in a huge gulp of air, then I let out a shriek. To make it realistic, I jumped up and down while continuing to scream. The plan had started.
  The light flicked on and the cell slammed open as an unfamiliar guard ran in. I didn't stop my screaming and running around in my cell. "KILL IT! KILL IT!" I screamed, trying to hide behind the guard.
  "What?! What is it?!" he demanded.
  Tears started slipping from my eyes as I continued to squeal, "It's over there!" Crying wasn't part of the plan but so many emotions were building up inside of me that they just started to pour out. Luckily, I managed to keep myself a little composed as I went along with it.
  "What?!" the guard repeated.
  "The spider!" I shouted while pointing. "It's over there! Kill it!"
  The man stepped closer to the corner that I was pointing toward then he narrowed his eyebrows, "I don't see anything... It was probably just a bad dream..."
  "No, no!" I cried. "It was crawling on me so I flicked it off! Now it's over there! Kill it! It might be poisonous! What if it bites me?! Kill it!" I continued to scream.
  The man raised his hands to try and calm me down, "Okay! Okay! I'll kill it, just calm down."
  "Please!" I begged, shaking the man's shoulder to emphasize how important this was to me as I continued to point toward the corner.
  The guard sighed and leaned closer to the corner. Since he didn't see the imaginary spider, he crouched down closer to see if he could find it.
  "It's right there," I pressed then glanced behind me at my bed. I stepped closer to the bed then slipped the dictionary off of my sheets. My fingers clenched tightly on the book as I raised it above my head. I took a quick breath then smashed the book down on the guard's head.
  There was a pause as he touched his head then glanced back at me with a glare, "Ow!"
  I blinked a couple of times, "... Oops... That was supposed to knock you out..." I informed the man - apparently, I had watched too many movies -, then quickly began to beat him with the hard book. Unfortunately, the man reacted swiftly as he grabbed my ankle then yanked it out from under me.
  A gasp shot out of my mouth as I shrieked and slammed onto the hard floor underneath me. At first, I was dazed as the guard started pinning me against the floor. I managed to kick the guy off me as I tackled him and tried to reach for the taser that was on his side. The man must've noticed my attempts because then he started struggling for the weapon as well. The guard managed to pull the weapon out but I slapped the taser out of his hand so it slid across the floor.
  There was a slight pause as we stared at each other then I bolted toward the weapon. Alas, the guard rammed into me and pressed me against the concrete wall. The blow knocked the wind out of me but I was not giving up easily as I glared at the man and struggled against his grip. I clenched my jaw and kicked my leg up in between the man's legs. He gasped and released his grip on me. I flinched at the pain that the man looked like he was in then I muttered, "Sorry... It's nothing personal..."
  Then I launched toward the taser and held it in my hands. Before the guard could react I smashed the butt of the weapon against the man's head so - this time - he was knocked unconscious. Once I realized he was out cold, I leaned my hands against my knees and panted to catch my breath. As soon as I had enough time to recover, I sped out of the cell and through the hallway. I tried to be quiet but I knew that hardly anyone was going to be here. I reached the door near the bathroom and stared at the keypad.
  It was the same code as yesterday so I pushed in 3-4-3-9 then it beeped and turned green. I grinned with excitement and rushed into the room. I snatched my familiar bracelet then turned the button on so it lit up green. Sadly, as soon as the light turned green, an alarm sounded. So, I let out a growl but didn't let it stop me as I pressed the button again.
  "Command," the familiar, robotic voice stated.
  "Call Director Fury," I ordered, so there was a ringing. It seemed to take forever - most likely because it was in the middle of the night - but the ringing stopped.
  A moan and a slurred voice answered, "Hello?"
  "Director Fury? Hey! It's Sam. Sorry, it's late, but it's kind of important," I started rambling.
"Slow down and tell me what's going on. Sam? What happened to you? And Tony...?" the man wondered, seeming to instantly become more awake.
  In realization, I grinned that this man could help me, "Well, you remember Lesser? His name is actually Professor Terrain and he needed Tony to help him with the end of the world type stuff. But we can skip that part for now."
  The man agreeingly changed the subject, "Yeah, just tell me where you are."
  "Um... I actually don't know. That's why I need your help! The bracelet - when turned on - sends a tracking signal that I need you to pinpoint," I explained.
  However, Fury paused, "How am I supposed to do that? I'm home, in my bed."
  "Wish I could help you, but I'm kinda being held hostage!" I exclaimed.
  "Alright, alright. But it'll take time," the man clarified.
  Even though I knew that was coming, I sighed and rolled my eyes even if he couldn't see me, "That's something we don't have! I need you to figure it out and quick because-."
  Unfortunately, I was cut off when I heard voices coming from outside the door. I couldn't have them thinking that I was contacting Director Fury because then they would probably move us to a different location and SHIELD would get here too late! No, I had to make them think that I was trying to escape myself. So, I scanned around the room until my eyes lit up. Tony's suit! It was probably too big but I couldn't worry about that now.
  As I pressed the button on my wrist again so the familiar words sounded, "Command."
  In turn, I responded, "Connect me to Tony's suit!"
  From the door I could hear the beeping as the few guards started typing in the passcode. Luckily, pieces of metal attached to me and very quickly since it was right beside me. Not so fortunately, the suit was a little too big for me but it managed to shift so I could fit into it better. It became chunky but it was still manageable as I flicked my heels to start flying.
  "Sam, are you still there?" it was Fury.
  Since I remembered being able to cut out the coms so only Fury could hear me, that's exactly what I did, "Yeah, I'm here. How's it coming along?"
  "Well, you're lucky that I brought my computer home with me or else this would be a lot more difficult," the man explained.
  There was a beep and the door of the room that I was in opened. Guards swarmed in with their guns pointed at me. I raised my hands to act like I was protecting myself but I was just trying to buy myself time.
  "Can you track the suit or not?" I demanded toward Fury, but luckily none of the guards could hear.
  "I got it!" there was a cheer.
  My heart leaped with eagerness, "You know where we are?!"
  "No," was the crushing response, however, he continued, "But it's currently trying to pinpoint exactly where you are. I just need a few minutes and we'll get your location."
  "Samantha!" a familiar voice snapped me back to what was happening in front of me. The guards still had their guns pointed at me but Terrain had walked in. Then, I noticed who he had near him. One of the guards had Tony held hostage with a gun at his temple. "Get out of the suit now or else we shoot Tony!" Terrain threatened.
  My heart beat quickened as I realized the situation unraveling in front of me. Fury still needed more time but I couldn't jeopardize Tony's life. I was between a rock and a hard place and I didn't know what to do.

Sam: Imprisoned (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now