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  Hesitantly, I took a deep breath and tried to think quickly in the situation. I needed to stall for Fury for just a few more minutes but that was bargaining with Tony's life. However, a thought stumbled into my head, "You need Tony! You can't kill him."
  Terrain smirked and nodded, "Kill him, of course not. Injuring him, on the other hand, is perfectly fine by me."
  Admittedly, my heart dropped in my chest but I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth while I shouted toward the man, "Why can't you just let us go?!"
  The professor slowly shook his head, "Why can't you understand?" the man shot back at me. Then, he snatched the gun out of the guard's hand beside him and pressed it into Tony's skin. My eyes connected with Tony's and I noticed how tired he looked. He probably just woke up and was still processing in his mind what was happening.
  In no way was I wanting to hurt Tony so I turned my microphone off so only Fury could hear me, "How much longer? I don't have time left..."
  "Sam," Terrain's voice snapped me back into the situation. "All you have to do is get out of the suit."
  However, I crossed my arms then turned my mic back on, "Why? So I can be locked up again?!"
  Terrain scoffed, "How are you going to leave now? It's impossible to get Stark out of this." Then he pointed out, "And if you do leave without him, how do you know you'll ever see him again?"
  "I've got it, Sam. When do you need us to pick you up?" it was Fury's voice.
  While I acted like I was still considering what Terrain was saying, I turned the mic back off. I had to think ahead and what day it was now until I replied, "Monday. Come get us in the afternoon."
  "Alright, we can do that. Stay safe until then," Fury requested then there was a click as he hung up the phone.
  So, I took a deep breath then turned my mic on before finally answering Terrain, "Fine, you win..." I slowly lowered myself and watched as the pieces of metal started falling off of me. Swiftly, I turned my bracelet back off as if it was never on then I glanced up. The guards started swarming me as they pulled the bracelet off of me and dragged the suit away as well. One guard grabbed me then yanked my body to Terrain. Another guard pulled Tony away from us and almost out of the room when the professor stopped him.
  Terrain stared down at me with a stale, cold look, "You need to learn that there are punishments for misbehaving." Then the man raised his hand so my eyes widened in shock as I watched it swing down. The back of the man's hand connected with the side of my face, causing searing pain to erupt on the side of my face.
  "Sam! Damn it, Terrain! Let her go!" Tony ordered. His eyes were now awake with wrath and desperation but he knew better than to try anything.
  Keeping my gaze low, I tried to ignore the pain but Terrain didn't seem to approve as he knelt down near me and gripped my hair. I squeaked in pain as he yanked my hair down so my gaze could connect to his, "Try that again, consequences will be more severe." His voice hissed like he was shooting out venom while his eyes shot daggers. The man was serious. Then he turned his attention to the guards around me, "Take her to her cell."
  Three guards marched in front of me and grabbed me. They started carrying me out so I fought against them in a fit of rage, "Let me go!"
  Two of the guards grabbed my arms while the other one started opening my cell door. One of the guards grabbed onto my wrist which shot pain through my nerves. I winced and tried to pull out of their grasp but one of them didn't like me squirming so they elbowed me in the stomach. The wind felt like it was sucked right out of me as I bent over in pain and started coughing in hopes to get my breath back.
  Even though the men dragged me into my cell, the torment wasn't over as another man ordered, "Hold her down."
  "What?" my gaze quickly shot up so I could see who was talking. It was the man from before, the one that I had thought was knocked out. His glare was made clear as the guards held me tighter and he stepped toward me. "Look, I'm so-," I started but the guard soccer punched me square in the stomach. Another gust of wind was knocked out of me so I kept my gaze on the floor.
  Then the guard reached for my pants so I tensed as I watched his hand. He reached for my side and it didn't take me long to realize that he was going for the taser. The man pulled it from my hip then connected it to his belt. Fortunately, the guards released their grip on me and allowed me to collapse to the floor. I panted, trying to catch my breath while watching the men walk out of my cell. It felt like the escape plan wasn't victorious at all since my whole body was shaking with pain and exhaustion. However, I knew in my head that we were home free; if I survived that long. I was on every guard's most hated list and I didn't think Tony could save me from this one.
  It felt like forever passed in one second until I finally stood from the ground and stumbled to my bed. I practically fainted onto the hard furniture and I watched as my vision turned black.

Sam: Imprisoned (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now