Back To School

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  The next day came pretty quickly because I was so tired. It was Wednesday and I woke up early to an alarm that I usually use for school. My eyes peeled up then I groggily reached over and turned the alarm off before sitting up in my bed. When I peered at the clock, a frown formed on my face. Usually, I was one that hated going to school and this little break should have me stoked. However, that wasn't the case. So much had happened that I felt like I needed to go to school and at least clear everything up with Cassie. Besides, I was going to have so much homework and assignments to catch up on if I waited another week for school. Besides, I wasn't that bedridden. 
  With all of these thoughts in mind, I slipped out of the comfort of my bed and into my bathroom to take a shower. I was going to make it like any other normal morning. So, after the shower, I dried off, changed into clean clothes, brushed my teeth then my hair. I had to throw some makeup on to hide any battle wounds that I might've gotten from being in Lesser's "care". As soon as I was ready, I jogged out of my bedroom and into the kitchen.
  Searching the cabinets, I pulled out a bag of bagels. Then I pulled the two halves apart and popped them into the toaster. While it was toasting, I leaned against the counter and let my mind wander.
  The sound of footsteps caught my attention so I peered up and noticed Pepper strolling into the kitchen as well. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail and she was wearing her familiar business attire. I figured that she was getting ready to go to work as well.
  Surprised that I was in the kitchen, Pepper narrowed her eyebrows but smiled, "Sam? You're up early."
  "Hey..." I forced a smile. I knew I was going to have to tell them that I wanted to go to school but Tony made it very clear that he wanted me to take a break from school. However, I felt like I needed to go so I was determined to convince them. Although, noticing my uncle wasn't here, I wondered, "Where's Tony?"
  Pepper peeked over her shoulder as if to make sure that he wasn't there then answered, "He's at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters. He's working with Fury so they can catch that Terrain guy."
  So I sighed in relief because convincing Pepper to let me go to school was going to be a lot easier than trying to convince Tony - since he's more stubborn and hardheaded. Before I could, however, there was a pop behind me. I turned my gaze to the bagel and reached for the butter to decorate the breakfast with. While I was busy making breakfast, I stated, "I want to go to school today."
  There was a pause before Pepper pointed out behind me, "Didn't the doctor recommend you stay home for a few days? And Tony-"
  However, I interrupted, "Yeah, I know he wants me to stay home." Then I turned around to face her again, "But he's dealing with whatever he has to. And I have to deal with what I need to."
  "Sam, I don't think it's a good idea," Pepper was trying to be gentle with the news even though she knew I would be upset with the answer.
  Staying calm, I admitted, "Yeah, I understand. But I just have to get out of the house. I've been couped up for a week and I just need to breathe."
  With a sigh, Pepper hesitated until she finally noted, "It's just not good if you stress yourself. And it's dangerous-"
  "I'll play it safe," I reassured her. "But I'm serious when I said that I need to clear some stuff up..."
  The conversation faltered as it came to silence because Pepper was truly considering it. Finally - and fortunately - Pepper bowed her head, "Alright, I'll let you go. But you have to promise to be careful."
  A smile carved into my face as I stepped forward to give Pepper a hug and exclaimed, "Thank you so much, Pepper." When I pulled away, I grabbed the rest of my bagel, my phone, and the keys to my car. I also made sure that I didn't leave my bracelet behind in case of any emergencies. I didn't want to be late so I waved bye to the sweet woman behind me then bolted to the elevator. I didn't know what the day would hold, but I was sure anxious for it.


  Arriving at school was a lot more intimidating than I thought it would be. I was pretty nervous already as I slipped out of my car and into the school. It felt especially weird since I didn't bring my school bag which I usually carried to school - I was practically naked without it! Although, I figured that the teachers would go easy on me and not assign homework so I wasn't too worried about it.
  The thing that I was the most worried about were the students - especially Cassie. I hadn't seen anyone since last week and a lot has changed recently. From the very moment that I stepped into the school, I knew it was going to be different. As soon as people noticed me, they started staring and whispering.
  Except, I decided to ignore it and continue through the cafeteria until I spotted Cassie with her boyfriend - Derek. At first, I was pretty hesitant and cautious to walk up to them in fear of Cassie's reaction but I was going to have to get it over with eventually. So I stepped forward until I joined the two.
  Immediately, Cassie's gaze shot up and flickered with surprise, "Sam? You're actually here?"
  "Yeah..." I mumbled, becoming shy from my friend's gaze.
  She stood up from her chair and tackled me with a hug, "I'm so sorry about the phone call! I read the news... I thought you skipped last week because you were nervous about people finding out about Tony Stark. Not because you were-."
  I interrupted, "Yeah, I got it, Cassie. It's okay."
  "No, it's not," my friend protested. "I don't even want to know what really happened. But whatever happened to you was crazy!"
  "Apparently everyone in the school thinks so as well," I pointed out while glancing around the cafeteria to find that people were still pointing and staring.
  This got Cassie's attention as she peered around and grumbled, "Yeah... Talk about being popular now..."
  "I didn't even think that people read the news! I thought everyone was more interested in what the Kardashians do or whatever," I noted.
  "I wouldn't worry about it. Kids wouldn't be that stupid to say anything about it," Derek promised.
  Before we could continue the discussion, the bell made a loud ding noise to signal that class was starting. Which got a sigh from me because I didn't know if I was quite ready for the day yet. However, the three of us started down the hallway with Cassie in the middle. They didn't have to grab anything from their lockers so Derek split off to some other class while Cassie and I slipped into Mrs. Lamar's room.
  The two of us sat down near the middle of the classroom but nowhere in specific. Like always, Mrs. Lamar wasn't here yet because she was late to class most days. It gave my friend and I time to talk until class started.
  Cassie was the one to start the conversation first as she admitted, "I'm honestly surprised that you came to school today."
  After turning to look at her, I smiled at Cassie and reminded her, "I had some explaining to do."
  Alas, the two of us were interrupted when some kid behind us decided to throw a crumbled-up piece of paper at me. At first, I ignored it but then he shouted, "Look who finally decided to come back. Did you get bored in your mansion?"
  Almost involuntary, my fist clenched with anger. I knew someone was going to make a rude and ignorant comment but I didn't think it would be this early in the morning. However, I just took a deep breath and decided to ignore it.
  Except Cassie wasn't so quick to disregard the student as she shot around in her seat and sent a cold glare his way, "Shut up, would you?"
  "What? Is she going to pull that victim card again?" the kid named Louis challenged.
  "Excuse me?!" Cassie barked.
  "Oh, come on. We all know that the kidnapping was faked," Louis proclaimed.
  The accusation, of course, upset me because of the ignorance behind it. No one knew what happened and - besides - I just wanted to pretend like all of last week didn't happen. With all of the publicity and attention, it made it harder to do so. No matter how angry the claim made me, I continued to ignore the idiot.
  Cassie, on the other hand, didn't as she scoffed and tested, "And why would she do that?"
  "Attention, duh. Probably doesn't get enough at home. Besides, what better than to make Iron Man look like the hero as always," Louis snarled.
  Don't get involved, don't get involved, I repeated it over and over in my head in hopes to block out all of what they were saying. Now the whole class was getting involved as some agreed and decided to attack Tony's character while others argued and claimed that it wasn't faked or that Tony was a good person. Honestly, I just tried to ignore all of it. I leaned my elbow against the table then rested my face against my hand. The longer the argument continued, the larger of a headache I got. So I massaged the bridge of my nose and took deep breaths.
  Finally, Mrs. Lamar decided to show up to her own classroom. The teacher quieted everyone down then began to go over the lesson which was about Human Rights. Even with the lecture going on, it was still hard to fully concentrate. My mind wandered from topic to topic until class seemed to fly by.


  The classes Debate and AP Lit went by without too many incidents. Of course, there was still problems and everyone wouldn't stop staring and gossiping. I knew that coming to school was a bad idea - moreso for other reasons - but I should've expected it. Besides, this was going to be my life from now on and I was going to have to get used to it.
  Eventually, lunch came so I met with Cassie and grabbed some food. The three of us sat down at a table and began to eat. I wasn't really that hungry so I let my mind wander again. By now, I was exhausted of school already and I was anxious to get back home. However, then the thought of Tony finding out that I disobeyed him came to mind. He wouldn't be too upset, right?
  "Hey, are you okay, Sam?" Cassie's voice jarred me from my thoughts.
  After peering up at her, I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." Before the table could get quiet again, I added, "Hey, Cassie. I'm sorry about not telling you sooner."
  With a shrug of her shoulders, she reassured me, "It's fine. I honestly understand why you were hesitant now." Then she added, after pondering about it, "It makes sense now why you were always coming over to my house and I was never invited to yours."
  This got a short laugh from me but then I offered, "Well, now that you know, how about you come over?"
  Which caused Cassie to shoot me a bewildered look, "What? I-I-... couldn't."
  "Sure you can," I promised. "Come one, after school I'll drive you to my place."
  Letting out a deep breath, she mumbled, "Oh God, I'm nervous now."
  "Am I just being left out?" Derek teased.
  So I finally turned my attention to the kid before confessing, "I don't think Tony would approve of me bringing home a guy... Even if he was taken."
  Cassie glanced over at her boyfriend and grinned, "We could pretend you were gay."
  Even though this got a laugh from me, Derek sent Cassie a playful glare, "As fun as that sounds, I have practice."
  "Oh yeah..." Cassie breathed, remembering Derek's basketball practice.
  Just when we thought we were going to be left alone, a girl with blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a bright smile bounded up to us. The smile was so perfect that it was obviously faked and forced. The teenager stepped in front of me as her eyes pretended to soften, "Samantha! I heard what happened and I just wanted to say that I'm here for you."
  Now confused, I stared at the girl with my eyebrows knit together, "Um... who are you?"
  "McKinsey," the student answered with her bright smile. "We had a few classes last year and I feel like we were so close back then."
  Finally, I remembered that I recognized her face from somewhere but we were definitely not close last year. She was the definition of a popular, mean girl. McKinsey picked on anyone that she didn't like - even me - and acted like she owned the school just because her dad was the Superintendent of the school district.
  When it hit me who she was, I pointed out, "I thought you hated me."
  Quick to object, she exclaimed, "Of course I don't hate you! Back then I just thought you were poor but now I realize you were just modest."
  My jaw dropped all the way down to China as I stared at the teenager in bewilderment. Did she really just say that? Fortunately, before I could snap at her, Cassie did it for me, "She's not looking for a new best friend so I suggest you scram."
  "I wasn't talking to you, lowlife," the kid snapped, rudely.
  "Hey," I barked defensively for my friend as I sent a glare to the student. "Look, McKinsey, we wouldn't make good friends. Maybe if you started being nicer to people then I would respect you more but - right now - you're not someone that I want to talk to."
  Her jaw dropped and left her mouth wide open in shock. I guess she was so surprised that someone actually stood up to her. Fortunately, the bell chimed which allowed me and Cassie to leave without a full argument with the student.
  "That was awesome," Cassie giggled. She had never seen me snap at someone like that before but I wasn't okay with anyone calling my friend names or being rude.
  "Hold your breath, we still have the rest of the day to get through," I muttered as we continued down the hall.

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