Chapter 1

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"Don't be late for school again Lisa", Shelly said opening her gate.

"Okay , okay i won't ",she replied smiling and waving good-bye.

She continued the short walk to her house.It was a block from Shelly's house which meant that she was almost always over and Lisa wouldn't have it any other way.

Two minutes later she walked up to the front porch.She opened the front door and stood in the hall looking around.The room looked cheery and bright but was anything but homey since her mother took ill three months ago.

"Lisa it that you dear ?", a slightly breathless voice asked from one of the bedrooms.

"Yeah ma ,it's me,"she said appearing at the door.

"Come closer love", Noreen said reaching out her thin arms.

Lisa sat on the edge of the bed taking her mother's hands in hers .

"My child , in life there are going to be storms .Not any ordinary storms , Lisa nodded in understanding and waited for her mother to continue.

"People will try to knock you down but you will have to fight.Fight for what you believe in , fight for what is right.Beware of the friends you keep , of what you say and do and always remember dear the greatest failure is giving up.Take this necklace dear , it was your great grand mother's and it has passed down through the ages with love and now i'm giving it to you so that you'll remember me", she said removing the necklace from around her neck and placing it in her daughter's palm.

"I want you to go far away from this place and make a life for yourself and when i die i wish to be buried near my mother under the oak tree.

'You're not going to die mamma . You're gonna be fine ",Lisa said desperately ,not knowing which of them she was trying to convince.

"I love you so much honey ".

"I love you to mom", Lisa replied sniffling

"Stop crying dear and go get me something to drink ", Noreen said coughing.

Lisa got up, went to the kitchen , poured a glass of water then hurried back to the room.What she saw changed her life forever .Her mother's frail body was slumped against the pillow still and void of colour.

The glass slipped out of her hands as she rushed to her mother's side .She grabbed Noreen's frail shoulders hoping yet knowing that she hadn't fallen asleep.

"Mamma ? Mamma please don't leave me ", she whispered tears streaming down her face.Her head fell forward and her shoulders sagged in defeat.


Brian was halfway up the stairs when he heard a scream . Melanie , was his first thought .He ran the rest of the way in time to see the nanny trip on a banana skin and come tumbling down the stairs.Melanie came running out of the kitchen ,she stood over the nanny with a bowl of tomato paste in her tiny hands.

"Melanie don't !", he shouted but she had already tipped the bowl , transforming Mrs. Blair 's blue dress into a surprisingly pretty red dress with shades of blue peeping out.

"Now look what you've done "Mrs. Blair shrieked.

"Mrs. Blair i can't tell you how sorry i am . I'll pay for the dress , i promise . " He turned to his daughter ."Melanie apologize ," he demanded.

"I don't want her apology , Mrs. Blair crowed .You should be apologizing after all you're the one who raised this..."" at Brian's arched brows she broke off.

"No wonder your child is like this.It's because of you ", She pointed an accusing finger at his nose. You're a wicked man , more than that you're the spawn of the devil."

"Okay now Mrs. Blair i understand that you're angry but there is no need for name calling", he laughed.

"So you find that funny huh? Well i hope you find this funny too , i quit", she spat.

"No Mrs. Blair you can't quit . I need you ", the laughter left his voice as he begged.

"NO , what you need is a whip," she stated marching to the door with her back ramrod straight.

He turned to Melanie, his face a mask of fury.

"Now look what you've done . Do you know how long it going to take for me to get a new nanny?. Get cleaned up then go to bed", he barked.

She shrunk back , muttered a quiet "Yes daddy", then scrambled up the stairs to her room.

"Mr. Shaunfield", James stopped him as he was about to leave for work the next morning.

"Yes James? Make it fast i'm already late as it is."

"About the new nanny sir , the interviews are at three o' clock.

"Oh about that James , i don't think i'll be able to make it . Just choose someone suitable okay?


"I'm sure you'll do well James."

He rushed down the stairs and hopped into his black Mercedes.

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