Chapter 7

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She ran out of the hospital and into the now busy streets . How could she have been such a fool? Surely her mother raised her better than to kiss some guy in a hospital at first encounter. Did she actually think that someone like him would actually like her? Maybe he was just experimenting when he kissed her.  She could see it clearly now ' The handsome stud and the nerdy fat girl'. Even if by some miracle he was interested it still wouldn't work because he had a girlfriend. Her mind went back to the woman. What was her name again? Something beginning with N. Nadia? Nina? Nancy? . Yes that was it , Nancy. When she burst into the room she was wearing an orange neon tank with a green jacket and black jeans. Where does she buy her clothes? Anyway some where in the world it was  probably considered fashion. She had shoulder length dyed blond hair. She had a slender , toned body with huge breasts. She had dark brown eyes , a straight nose and a perfect lips but the sounds coming out of that mouth was not pleasant at all. In fact she had a squeaky , annoying voice and her perfume was so strong it burned her nose.

What was wrong with her? She didn't normally criticize people she didn't know. In fact she didn't criticize anyone at all. The heat must be getting to her. She glanced down at her watched. It was now 2:45 so the sun was really hot. She quickly stopped a taxi and got in giving the cabby the hotel address.

Fifteen minutes later she was back at the hotel taking a shower . During the taxi ride she had decided that she would take the job as a nanny , if they wanted her. The money she came with wouldn't last longer than a week and she really needed to get things together.

She wrapped a towel around her then headed to the closet. She pulled out a black pencil skirt and a grey blouse . She dressed quickly then pulled her hair back in a severe bun . She applied light grey eye shadow and black eye pencil. She slipped on a pair of black  heels, grabbed a purse then left. She didn't see Ms. Murray on the way out.

Half an hour later the taxi pulled up in front of a huge house . It was three stories high and painted white. She got out of the taxi and payed the cabby. The gate was open so she walked in . She pushed the bell at the front door and the door opened immediately.

"Thank god", the man who opened the door breathed out. He was a few inches taller than her and he looked to be in his mid forties. He had red hair with a few streaks of grey. His dark brown eyes were warm and bright with  relief.

"Hi", she said timidly.

"Good afternoon miss. I'm James, the house keeper. Please come in ", he ushered her into  the living room.

"I'm so glad you're here.  Do you know that you're the first person that showed up? And it's already 3:30. ", he chatted to her as he led her down a long hallway and into an office.

" Well you know at interviews they ask you a lot of questions and what's not?", he asked sitting in a chair and gesturing for her to do the same.

She nodded .

"Well i'm not going to do that . Since you're the first and i'm certain the only one to show up. You get the job", James said smiling at her.


"Yes , when can you start? Is tomorrow good?".

" Yes , sure."

"Good , you'll live here. Food and lodging is free and you get paid two hundred dollars a week that is eight hundred dollars a month".

She gaped at him.


He laughed.

"Yes, the boss is a very generous man", he stood up and shook her hands.

"We expect to see you here tomorrow morning at eight o'clock . We'll send a limo for you."

She nodded shocked . Eight hundred ? Limo? Wow.

"Just write down your address on this piece of paper .", he handed her a paper and a pen and she quickly wrote down the hotel address.

The next morning when the limo arrived she was packed and ready . A huge man in a black tux took her suitcases outside. After saying good-bye  to Ms. Murray she got into the taxi and it sped off into the busy streets. 

Half an hour later it pulled up outside the house . The driver came around to her side and helped her out of the car. They walked up to the front door and she rang the bell. James open the door and ushered her in with a flourish . He always seems to be happy .

"Good morning Lisa", he smiled .

"How did you know my name?"

"Yesterday just before you arrived Hazel called saying you would be here . She told me all that she knew about you".

"Which was?".

"Not much but enough".

"Now i will show you to your room. Melanie is not yet awake. When she's awake you'll know", he laughed.

"How will i know?", she asked confused.

He shook his head laughing.

"Trust me , you'll know."

As he led her up a winding staircase she wondered, what have i gotten myself into?

He led her to a room with a white door. He pushed open the door and walked in with her following behind.

"This is your room. i hope you like it. Melanie's room is two doors down on your right. Please make yourself comfortable. There are a list of rules on the table beside your bed please familiarize yourself with it .", he said closing the door behind him when he left.

She sighed and looked around the room. It was big . Bigger than her old room. The wall were painted purple. Her favourite colour . There was a huge mirror to one corner of the room and a desk and chair occupied the other corner. A huge flat screen TV hung off the wall. A huge bed was braced against the wall . It had light green covers . Two tables stood beside the bed. One on the right and the other on the left . One of the tables had a sheet of paper . She walked over and picked up the paper.


#1 - Wake Melanie up at 7:00

#2 Get Melanie ready for school

#3 Get Melanie downstairs for breakfast

#4 Take Melanie to school

#5 Pick Melanie up from school

#6 Make sure Melanie eats a snack when she comes home from school

#6 Make sure Melanie's homework is done before she watches TV

#7 Melanie is not allowed to watch anything other than disney movies

#8 Make sure Melanie is at dinner on time

#9 Make sure Melanie goes to bed no later than 8:30

# 10 Don't punish Melanie in anyway . Make a complaint and Melanie will be dealt with.

Wow that was a lot of rules. How old was Melanie anyway .

Her bedroom door burst open and a little girl walked in.

"So you're the new nanny , huh?", She looked at her as if assessing her.

"Yes", Lisa nodded.

"You won't last for long ", her tiny lips turned up in scorn and she turned and walked back out of the room.

 Lisa stood staring in shock at the spot where the girl was standing moments ago. Well that was a great first impression, she thought. 

She  shook it off and quickly unpacked her suitcase and put her stuff into the huge closet . It smelled like lavender. She changed into a blue sundress and went to hunt down little Melanie.


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