Chapter 16

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They arrived at the park and decided to sit on one of the benches under the trees for a while. As they crossed to the bench a Jordan Sheppard leaped at Lisa , knocking  her to the ground. His tongue was long and moist as he licked her cheek.

"He must like you", startled she looked up into smiling brown eyes.

"What's his name?"


"Hey, Benny!", she scratched behind his ear laughing when he licked her other cheek.

"Come on Benny let's give the pretty girl a break , huh?", he pushed the dog away from her and held out his hands to help her up .

"I'm Jim", he shook her hand that was already enclosed in his .

"I'm Lisa and this is Melanie ", she replied gesturing to Melanie who was a short distance away from them looking on with barely concealed interest.

"You have a pretty smile Lisa . How's it going Mel?".

Melanie nodded in acknowledgement but didn't say anything .

He didn't seem offended almost like he was used to Melanie's odd behavior.

"You two know each other?", she tugged her hand from his. The way he was stroking her wrist was creeping her out . his touch was nothing like Brian's.

"Uh huh", he nodded glancing at Melanie who just gave him  a blank look. He just shook his head laughing.

"Do you like dogs Lisa? Have you ever had a dog or any other pet? I bet you're a dog person. Benny seems to have taken an instant liking to you. He was actually abused , you know", he finally stopped to take a huge gulp of air. All the while he'd been talking she'd been staring at his mouth, It was moving so fast it almost made her dizzy.

"Look ", he gestured to the dog" ,he wants you to play Frisbee with him".

She glanced at the dog and he had an orange dish in his mouth.

"What do you think Mel? Want to play?".

Melanie squinted up at her and shrugged.

"Okay", she too the dish from Benny and sent it sailing through the air and watched in delight as the dog dashed across the park , leaped into the air and caught it in his mouth.

She , Melanie , Jake and Benny played until early in the afternoon. As the time had passed by she grew at ease around Jake. he must have sensed her discomfort earlier because he only flirted with her mildly now.

"Stay just a little longer", he begged.

"I'm sorry . I really can't . I have to take Melanie home . She's missed lunch already as it is", Melanie's stomach rumbled on cue and she smiled sheepishly.

"Okay but can I at least have your number?".

She thought for a moment , it would be nice to have a friend to talk to so she gave it to him.

The walk home was spent in a comfortable silence . When they returned home Lisa took a shower then went to Melanie's room to see what she was up to, hopefully not reading . Don't give her wrong , she loved to read.  Back home she used to sit in the library hours after the sun went down reading but Melanie read way too much in fact all she did was read.

She sat on the bed and waited for Melanie to come back from where ever she'd disappear to. She came out of the bathroom wearing black shorts  and a green shirt with the words" I don't care' written across the front in black. Her hair was dripping and hung in rats tails down her back. She picked up a towel from the back of a chair and patted her hair dry . Once she was done she took it into the bathroom, came back out and sat by the window. She looked lost in thought and slightly sad. Her mouth was a thin line and her shoulders sagged. She looked as though she had the weight of the world on her tiny shoulders and not at all like the young, carefree child she had been half an hour ago when she was lying in the grass with Benny's head on her chest. She had been scratching the dog's tummy and breaking into fits of giggles every time he licked her hand. Since she came back to her room all that joy had flown straight out the window and it wasn't hard to see why. The room was beautiful and any young girl would love to have such a room but it wasn't meant for a six year old. Lisa finally decided that a little change was needed.

"Melanie do you like your room?".

Melanie turned and gave her a confused look.

"Do you like your room?", she repeated.

Melanie hesitated a second before answering. "Daddy  worked really hard on this room".

"I know sweetheart but do you really like it?", she got up from the bed and went to sit beside Melanie by the window.

"No , not really. Why?".

"Every time you come in here your mood changes and you look really depressed. How about we change a few things up , huh?"

"Like what?".

"Well we could repaint the walls in whatever colour you like . A pink or blue or yellow even , your choice. We'll buy cute little white furniture to replace the ones in her and we'll get a smaller bed with Disney princesses covers and we'll even paint little sea horses in the bathroom. we'll have to buy you a new wardrobe also, no more black and grey for you. So what do you think? Is mission redecorate Melanie's room a go?", she asked excitedly.

All the while she'd been talking Melanie's smile was getting wider and wider until she was positively beaming. Lisa was sure if it grew any wider her face would split in two. 

"That sounds amazing! Can I get a hair cut too? my braid is too heavy", she asked hopefully.

"Of course . We'll just have to talk to your father when he comes home later".

Lisa stood outside the door of Brian's office debating whether to knock or not. She couldn't face him right now, not after what happened on Monday. Somehow in the heat of the moment she'd managed to convince herself that Brian cared for her and that they were meant to be. Even though he hated to admit it , it felt right being held in his arms , having him stroke her and murmur sweet nothings in her ear.

She sighed and raised her hand to knock , pushing her feelings aside. Before she could knock the door swung open and Brian stared back at her while she stumbled back in surprise.

"Have you been here long?", he asked . His voice was low and husky sending shivers down her spine . She tried to keep her face expressionless but she doubted it worked though.

"Umm, no . I actually just came. I was not just standing here all along", she stuttered out.

"Right. well are you coming in or not?', he walked back in leaving her to follow if she chose to.

He sat in his chair behind the desk and she took a seat in one of the two chairs in front of the desk.

"So...", he trailed off expectantly.

"Oh yeah . Umm, Mel and I were talking and she wants to redecorate her room and we actually wanted your permission before we started. You don't have to agree , you know. If you don't like the idea then that's absolutely fine. You know what they say' One man's met is another man's poison'. Not everyone likes the same things. Sherry  likes nuts but I don't but I eat peanut butter which is really weird. Do you know that-", her eyes widened when her leaned over the table and swiftly clamped a hand over her mouth cutting off her nervous chatter . Her eyes darted down to where his shirt stretched over the clearly defined muscles of his abdomen and she gulped loudly and directed her gaze to his face once more.

"When I remove my hand I want you to shut up , okay?".

She nodded mutely and watched as he sat back down.

"As for the redecorating I have no problem with that just get the bill to me okay?".

"Really? ", she shrieked.

Brian winced but nodded and smiled.

"Oh my god , thank you".

She jumped up and ran over to him , hugging him and placing a kiss on his cheek bed running out the door.


I'm not dumb Jennilla!!!!

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