Chapter 8

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Hey guys sorry for the late update, my computer was down . Oh i read a really great story last night , it's called "Alpha=Jerk" by little chicken. You guys should totally check it out.



Brian slowly climbed the stairs to his house. He hated to admit it but it was taking alot of energy out of him.

"Just a little further", Nancy said impatiently.

"I'm fine Nancy . You can go", he said suppressing the urge to yell at her.

"Really?", she squealed.

"Yeah , go ahead".

"Sweet. This is going to be the best girls night ever", she said skipping away.

He breathed a sigh of relief as he continued up the stairs. His companies were robed, he got into an accident and had to eat bad hospital food and spend the night in a boring white room that smelled like disinfectant. That was enough to send a man insane , the last thing he wanted was to have an annoying female talking his ear off.

He opened the front door and noticed two things- One James didn't meet him at the front door today and  two -there was no screaming nanny running through the door. Hmm, maybe an angel passed over and decided to give him some peace and quiet so she put everyone in a deep sleep.

He went upstairs to Melanie's room and pushed the door open.

A woman was sitting on the floor in front of Mel as she brushed her hair . She must have heard him  come in because she looked up. She had long, curly black hair, arched brows, beautiful turquoise eyes, a straight nose and red lips. From the angle she was sitting in he could see her body clearly. She had a small curvaceous frame with  medium sized breasts.She was beautiful , like a sexy angel. An innocent sexy angel , he decided as she blushed and looked away. The scent of honeysuckles floated on the air to him and he knew for sure, she was his angel.

She must be the new nanny, Lisa. This means he wouldn't have to walk all over the city looking for her like a creepy stalker.

At Lisa's sudden movement Mel glanced up. When she saw her father she jumped off the bed and ran to him. 

"Daddy", she yelled reaching up for a hug. He swung her up into his arm , careful not to move his injured arm. He kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly. Melanie may be a brat but she was still his daughter and he loved her.

Lisa got up and went to the window. She stood there watching the obvious love between father and daughter and wondered if her life could've been different if her father had stayed . If he had showered her with love like the blue eyed man was doing with his daughter. She turned around and faced the pool, looking at the still water. She felt like lonely , like an outsider. Se wrapped her arms around herself and tried to hold back the tears threatening to overflow.

"- right Lisa?", Mel asked.

"Uhhh, What? Sorry i wasn't listening", she smiled apologetically.

"I said my Daddy is very handsome, isn't he?".

"Uhhhh, ummm. Well i think-"

"It's okay Lisa you don't have to answer that", he laughed.

Thank god. She didn't know what to say anyway. If she had said he was he'd probably fire her and if she said he wasn't he'd probably fire her anyway.

"I don't like her Daddy but she's very pretty and i like her hair. She's never been a nanny before though. I wonder how i can use that against her?', Melanie said pursing her lips in deep thought.

"Melanie!", Brian couldn't decide whether to be angry or amused. He looked over to Lisa. She blinked once, twice then burst out laughing. Her laughter was so rich and it wasn't at all self conscious. Her skin had taken on that peachy complexion that many women used cosmetics to achieve. Her laughter was so contagious that he ended up laughing along with her.

Melanie looked between the two adults , shook her head , tapped her father's shoulder and motioned for him to put her down.

"I'm Brian Shaunfield you must be the new nanny. It's nice to see you again by the way".

She nodded. "Lisa Richards . How do you do Mr. Shaunfield?", she asked shaking his outstretched hand.

"Melanie why don't you go and see what Ms. Mayor has prepared for dinner.", he said nudging her to the door.

"Okay", she said sprinting out of the room.

"Well she certainly has a lot of energy", Lisa commented.

"I know , right? Ms. Mayor swears i was the same way when i was young", he laughed.

"Has she been here that long?"

"Yeah,. My father hired her when we moved here twenty years ago after my grandfather died and left the property to my father". It was amazing how easy it was to talk to her.

"When you came through the door earlier you seemed surprised, why is that?"

"Melanie is my daughter and i love her very much but she's difficult and out of order and she is the queen of throwing tantrums but she's a good kid . She's had a rough start that's all. I was surprised that she wasn't clawing your hair out . Seriously , if i were you i would be afraid to sit in front of her . God knows what she could've done to your lovely hair".

" Why would you say that? Sure Melanie seems to have slight behavioural problems but i'm pretty sure that there's some sweetness in there too."

"Yeah , she's a good kid but you should've seen some of the things she did. The first nanny was Ms. Harper,she had a Chihuahua. Melanie shaved the dog's fur off and tried to flush him down the toilet. Second nanny , our neighbor Ms. Briggs. Mel tied her to a chair and dyed her hair green . The last nanny Ms. Blair. She stayed her surprisingly long considering the things Mel did to her. She crushed ducal ax and mixed it into Ms. Blair's coffee on the first day. On the second day she switched the nanny's vitamins with sleeping pills , put make up and Orange braces on her when she fell asleep , then she took a picture of her and put it on the internet. The final thing is to take a horse whip and pour tomato sauce all over her new dress. Those are the nannies that stayed for more than one day."

"Why is she like this if you don't mind my asking?"

"It's fine . I'm completely over it. Maggie wasn't particularly happy about Mel's birth . She always treated her like an obligation , a burden. She wanted to be an actress you see, a few days before she found out she was pregnant she was called to read a leading role in a movie called" Loves back door". She was great , they hired her then she found out she was pregnant. The part wasn't for a pregnant woman so they kicked her off the set . She was horrified then furious. During her pregnancy she did a lot of careless things like , drinking , partying and riding bicycles. When Mel was finally born Maggie was mean to her. She would hit her and call her names and she even refused to breast feed her! By the time Mel turned two i divorced her but it made no difference to her she just found another rich man and moved on" his voice was rough with bitterness and she swallowed as though he couldn't stand to say his ex- wife's name.

" Oh my gosh , that's horrible . Now Melanie thinks everyone hates her , except you of course?"

"Yes . You're the only one that has ever made much of a breakthrough with her . How did you do it?"

"I don't know but when i figure it out i'll be sure to let you know", she laughed.    

He got up and shook her hands.

"Thank you Ms. Richards . We're very lucky to have you here and i must say i'm quite impressed."

"Thank you , sir but i am the one who should be thanking you. You hired me even though i am inexperienced."

"You certainly have a way with children. I mean look at Mel that' the best i 've seen her behave in years. Dinner will be ready soon . Someone will come for you ,okay?"

"Yes thank you sir."

"See you downstairs Lisa"

"Okay",she smiled.


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