Chapter 4

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Hey guys ! I just want you guys to know that since school is re-opening tomorrow i will only be updating twice a week and also i will try to make my chapters longer . If you guys have a problem with this please comment or message me. Also i feel as though i'm writing for machines or something . PLEASE comment so that i'll know what you think. THANKS, enjoy !


"Wait", a hand shot out and grabbed her tiny one , lacing his fingers with her's. She looked down at their joined hands. His practically swallowed hers and they were warm and sticky with blood.

"I'm sorry please help me ", the stranger said . His voice was low and husky and so sexy which was strange because he wasn't saying anything sexual.

"Where do you hurt ", she asked again coming closer.

"I think my arm is broken and i hit my ribs pretty hard and my face is bleeding so i guess i've got a cut somewhere."

"Okay umm, just hold on okay ?".

He nodded , leaning slightly towards her. For a second she thought he was about to say something but he just close his eyes in the end.

Lisa wrapped her arms around his large body and pushed herself forward, trowing all her weight on him and pushed him back into the vehicle. Blood was gushing from the gash on his forehead and he had fainted. She checked his pulse, it was faint but at least he was still alive.

She closed the car door , stepped out on to the road and tried to stop a taxi but they all seemed to zoom by. After about two minutes of waiting one finally pulled up to the curb.

"Where to ?", he asked.

"The hospital".

"Are you okay ?", he asked looking down at her bloody clothes.

"I'm fine. It's the man in the car, she said pointing to the car. Can you help me?"

He nodded and got out of the car and they walked back to the Mercedes.

Between the tow of them , they managed to get the man out of the car and into the cab. Lisa then got in and moved his head so that it was cushioned in her lap. The ride to the hospital was long and she was constantly checking to see if the guy was  still breathing.

They finally arrived at the hospital and he was taken into the ER. She sat down in the waiting room . She just wanted to make sure he was fine before she left. It had nothing to do with the fact that he was  ridiculously handsome or the fact that tingles shot up her hands and spread through out her body , warming her when she touched him, at least that's what she told herself.

She sat there for hours , jumping up every time a doctor or nurse passed  by.

At last a doctor walked out of the ER and headed in her direction , she jumped up yet again.

"Doctor ?", she asked nervously.

"Are you a relative of Mr.Shaunfield?", he asked.

She shook her  head .

"No , i'm the one who brought him here though. Is he okay?"

"He's got a cut on his head , not too deep though. No signs of concussion but we'll keep him in here for a few days though. Bruised ribs and a broken arm."

"Oh , that's good. Is he awake ? Can i see him?".

"Sure go right in".


Why would she want to see him? , she wondered. She should probably turn around and go home now that she knew that he was okay. But no, she wasn't heading towards the exit. No she walked right into the ER.

He was sharing  room with someone else so she pulled the blind back for privacy. He was asleep again.So she was careful not to wake him up.

His face was now clean of blood so she could see his features clearly. A bandage was wrapped around his head and his dark  hailed over it making her hand itch to touch it. Equally dark eyebrows were arched over closed eyes and she idly wondered about the colour of his eyes.His nose was perfectly straight. Her eyes trailed down to his mouth. His lips were full and pale and oh so kiss-able.

She moved closer to him  and sat down in the chair , taking his hand in hers. His was so soft making her question if he'd ever worked a day in his life.She looked back at his hair.Surely if she was careful he wouldn't wake up , right? She reached forward and ran her fingers through his thick hair. It was so soft and silky, she sighed. She began to massage his skull when she heard a moan.She looked back down , pretty sure it  came from him.

She watched in shock as his eyes fluttered open slowly at if he was surfacing from an incredible dream. Amazingly blue eyes gazed into her blue ones and he smiled , making her heart sigh.


Thanks for reading guys


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