Chapter 27

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Happy Diwali, for those who celebrate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If this chapter sucks don't blame me. I lost my thinking hat!! :(

{Lisa's pov}

Lisa sat curled up on the bed as Melanie stacked her new books on her bookshelf . She actually took the time to arrange them in alphabetical order.

She sighed as she wondered how to pose the question that had been on her mind ever since they picked up Melanie from school.

"So what happened between you and Lillian?".

"I don't know. What happened?", Melanie turned to look at her with a clueless expression.

Lisa narrowed her eyes on her."You know exactly what i'm talking about".

"No i don't", Melanie denied.

"Yes you do and now we're going to have that thought. I want the whole story, from beginning to ending okay?", Brian walked into the room and sat down next to Lisa, pulling her into his arms .                    When they had returned home an hour earlier he had disappeared somewhere downstairs and now is the first time she'd seen him since. She sighed and settled into him.

He motioned for Melanie to sit on the bed with them. She slowly made her way over and sat across from them, watching them warily.

"We;re listening", was all Brian said as he stared her down with a serious expression.

Melanie looked like a deer caught in the headlight so Lisa smiled to make her feel more comfortable. From the look on Melanie's face it didn't help.

She gazed at them hesitantly for a moment then started to ramble "It was all her fault. She started it. She's so stupid , I hate her. If she hadn't said all those horrible things to me i wouldn't have hit her. it's not my fault that her parents are always fighting and her Daddy spanks her a lot", she finally finished and seemed to drag in a huge gulp of air.

Brian sighed and shook his head while Lisa sat there stunned.

At the disappointed look on her father's face Melanie added in a rush" It really wasn't my fault Daddy, she-".

Brian held up his hand to stop her rapid flow of words.

"I don't care whose fault it is Melanie . You know better than to start a fight . You have no idea how disappointed i am in you".

Melanie's bowed her head in shame.

"If Lillian was having problems then why did't you try to help her?", Lisa finally spoke up.

 Melanie scoffed"She not my friend so i don't care! I don't have friends".

Lisa sighed "To make a friend you have to be a friend. Do you remember that from Mariposa?".

"That's just a stupid movie".

"It may be a movie but it's not stupid. It teaches us how to treat others. If you were in trouble wouldn't you want someone to help you?".

Melanie sighed and started playing with the sheets. "We hate each other. We can't be friends anymore".

"Sure you can. The reason why you were friends with her in the first place was because you saw something in her that you liked, something that called out to you and maybe it's still there. You just have to find it", Lisa explained gently.

Melanie just sat there not looking at anyone.

"Why did you two stop being friends anyway?", this question had been on Lisa mind for a long time .

"She just started being mean to me suddenly.She would take away my toys and my money. She tried to bully me a lot. She even hit me twice and i hit her back the last time, then she started screaming and yelling at me that i was ugly and fat and stupid and how nobody liked me. That i was a freak. If my own mother didn't want me then who would? She always teased me about not having a mommy", she tried to play it cool and pretend that it was okay and it didn't bother her but Lisa could see the pain and hurt behind her mask of indifference. Brian's face softened and Lisa could tell he saw through her too.

He dropped his arm from around her and pulled Melanie to him. He wrapped his arm around ehr and she snuggled into his chest and tucked her head under his chin.

"I know she's awfully mean to you baby but being mean to her in return is not the answer. the best way to repay evil is by doing good. I'm not saying that you should let someone bully and stomp all over you but if someone is bulling you or did you wrong then you should complain to a trusted adult, okay?", She nodded. "As for you and Lillian not being friends i think you should forgive and forget .Now i'm not saying that what she did to you was right but i think you should forgive her so you can both move on which is why we are going to her house tomorrow so you can apologize to her while i have a little talk with her dad", he told her quietly, stroking her hair.

"Why do i have to apologize daddy? She started it!", Melanie protested.

"I know love but you threw the first punch and two wrongs don't make a right, you know that".

"Okay but i still don't want to be friends with her', she said with a resigned sigh.

"That's fine. What do you want to do now?".

"I'm tired, can we sleep right here? All of us?", she yawned sleepily.

She looked so cute, Lisa barely resisted the urge to pinch her cheeks.

Brian glanced at her as if to ask if she was okay with it. She nodded, she was feeling a bit sleepy herself.

"Okay pumpkin", he laid on his back, pulling Melanie down with him and positioning her so she was snuggled into his side. He then gestured to Lisa to lie down. She did.

Melanie was already fast asleep between the too of them. Brian leaned over her to place a sweet kiss on Lisa lips. She sighed as she felt him playing with her hair and fell asleep with his sweet exotic scent and Melanie's baby scent wrapped around her.

Thanks 4 reading!! Bye:D!!!

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