Chapter 28

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They stood before the door of the huge green house. Melanie fidgeted  nervously beside Lisa, looking as though she was going to run away screaming any second but Brian shot her a warning look before pushing the door bell.

They stood waiting for a few minutes before Brian pushed the bell again with a sigh.

Suddenly a man's voice could be heard through the closed door. "Who is he? I'm going to the kill the both of you! How dare you cheat on me and in my own home? You little slut! I'm going to strangle you!".

Lisa gasped and covered Mel's ears with her hands . Brian was frozen with his hand half way reaching for the door bell. 

 A woman screamed a toe curling, ear piercing scream. The scream seemed to galvanize Brian poun ded on the door frantically.

"Shit", he swore quietly after a few minutes of useless pounding.

There was still screaming and cursing coming from inside the house.

Brian looked around wildly then squatted to the ground, removing a plant pot from it's place by the door and snatching up the single key that was conveniently hidden beneath.

He pushed it into the lock and twisted . There was a quiet click and he pushed the door open, barging in and disappearing from sight.

Lisa clutched Melanie to her tightly while debating whether to follow Brian or not. She could still hear screaming and cursing and now the smashing of furniture. She was concerned for the occupants of the house but it was still dangerous for her to enter with Melanie. She quickly came to a decision and turned to Melanie.

"Will you be alright in the car alone?".

Melanie nodded looking even more nervous and scared than before. Gone she was the sarcasm and the coldness. She looked genuinely scared out of the mind.

"Alright", they hurried for the car and Lisa buckled her into the back seat then squatted so their eyes were level. "Sit here and wait here , okay? Do not open the door for anyone and most importantly do not get out of the car no matter what, alright?".

"Alright", Melanie nodded looking close to tears.

She hugged her tightly then stepped away, locking the door.

She hurried back to the house and entered through the still open front door. The shouting can be heard clearer now.

"Is Brian the one you've been cheating on me with? I knew you were a sick bastard Brian but i never knew you'd stoop so low but then the apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it?", a male voice shouted mockingly. It clearly wasn't Brian.

"You little piece of -", another voice she recognized as Brian's started then she heard the sound of fist meeting flesh and a pained grunt.

 She stepped further into the house , broken furnit5ure were everywhere and the television screen was completely destroyed. What was once a living room now looked like a war zone.

A woman's scream brought her away from the sight . She hurried in the direction of the scream. She hurried in the direction of the scream.

She nearly at the what appeared to be the entrance of the kitchen when a little bundle hurled itself at her. Her arms automatically wrapped themselves around it. She looked down when she heard a little sniffle. It was Lillian.

Everything went quiet as she took in Lillian's bruised face .

Then the yelling resumed.

"Who the hell are you? Get your hands off of my daughter! Just who do you think you are walking into my house and touching my child? Get the hell out of here bitch!", the same male voice yell.

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