Chapter 21

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Hey guys, sorry for the late update. This chapter is dedicated to Nyseya . You can check out her awesome book , it's called 'His rejection' if you're not reading it already.

"I hope the reason you're calling me at this ungodly hour is because someone died or i won a million dollars.I'd prefer the last one of course and if it so happens to be the first one i hope the dead person is my ex-boyfriend . He's been bugging me for weeks now , sometimes i think i'm going to go berserk and kill him myself. I wonder where i'll hide the body though , any suggestions?", the last part was said in a sweet voice.

"You seriously need some help", Lisa shook her head smiling.

Shell gasped over the phone. "Lisa? Oh my gosh, is it really you?".

" Yeah , it's me", guilt settled in the pit of her stomach for not calling her friend sooner. Shelly must've been sick with worry for her.

"I've been so worried about you. I didn't know if your plane landed safely or if an international criminal high jacked the plane ".

"If then plane had been high jacked you would've heard about it on the news", Lisa rolled her eyes even though Shelly couldn't see her.

"That's not the point, Lisa. Something terrible could've happened to you and i would've never known. I got so worried that i grabbed a telephone all called all the hotels over there but then i got hungry and went out to get some Chinese food ".

Lisa chuckled at her friends craziness. "I'm sorry i made you worry but i'm fine  though . I miss you so much".

"I miss you too babe in fact i'm coming to see you soon".

"Really?", she squealed.

"Uh huh. I have nothing else to do over here. This semester already  is over so everything is pretty low. I'm currently a babysitter and the kids are pretty boring , the kids are so nice. Sometimes i wish they were mean or something that way it'll be fun".

"That's great. I'm really excited to see you but where are you going to stay?"

"She can stay here with us", a familiar voice said behind her.

She screamed and jumped off of the chair where she had perched when she picked up the phone.

"Sorry. I ddin't mean to scare you", he apologized.

"Of course you didn't", she replied testily.

"Oooh ,that's one sexy ass voice. Who's he? Is he your boss? Lisa are you screwing your boss? You go girl, i never knew-"

"Shut up", Lisa yelled embarrassed.

Shelly chuckled over the phone then said" I'll leave you to it ten".

"Whatever. I'll call you later , okay?"

"Make sure you do or else. Love you babe, later".

" I will.I love you too, bye".

She hung up the phone then spun to face Brian. 

"How long have you been there?".

"Long enough", he shrugged dropping into a chair.

"Well you could've warned me", she glared at him.

"I said i'm sorry , okay? What else do you want", he demanded with a glare of his own.

"Woah1 What got your panties in a twist?", she teased.

"Your mom", he snapped.

Her smile dropped instantly and tears stung her eyes as everything came rushing back to her. Her mother's weak voice, her words and finally her still figure as she laid slumped on the bed lifeless. She clutched the heat around her neck as she felt herself falling. Strong arms encircled her and she heard someone calling her name distantly.

Colours danced before her eyelids before her vision turned  into blurry shapes.She blinked furiously, trying to bring her surroundings into focus. She saw a figure hovering above her but she didn't recognize him. His lips moved but she heard no words.

"The next time she came to , Brian was sitting in a chair by the bed fast asleep. A lock of hair had fallen over his forehead softening  his features. He looked so peaceful sleeping. She felt a little body wriggling into her side and  looked down curiously. Melanie was in a little white night gown and she was snuggle into her side, shivering. Awe , the poor little thing was cold. Now that she did think about it, it was kind of cold. How did she not notice that before? It was probably because she was too busy gawking at a gorgeous somebody currently sleeping in a chair but she preferred to think that she had magical powers that kept her warm. Until now. She reached down to pull the blanket over them when a hand closed over hers. She looked up into Brian's sleepy face.

He yawned and patted his mouth with his other hand. He looked so cute!

"Sorry, when i covered you up the first couple of times you got really hot so you kept kicking off the covers so i decided to leave the covers off",he explained pulling the covers up over them then sat on the edge of the bed. That's when she noticed something was different. The covers were a light green and there was a big 'B' in the middle. She was in Brian's bed!

"How did i get here?", she asked looking around.

"When you fainted i brought you here", was his clipped reply.

"Why?", she questioned.

'I thought you might be more comfortable here", he shrugged.

"How do you feel?", he asked sticking a thermometer under her tongue. How the hell did he expect her to answer when he did that? She just rolled her eyes and threw an arm around Melanie. she sighed contentedly in her sleep and snuggled closer.

He chuckled at her antics. "She demanded that i let you sleep with her. You worried us all , Lisa. Even James , he was walking around here like 'Dawn of the living Dead", he laughed. She stared up at him grinning foolishly he noticed and patted her on the head like a child. She pouted and flung his hand off her head. He didn't seem hurt though , he just rolled his eyes at her and pulled the thermometer out of her mouth. He inspected it and must have been satisfied because he simply nodded and placed it on the bed side table and turning to help her into a sitting position before holding a glass of water to her lips.The cool water slid down her parched throat and she drank the rest down greedily.She looked up to see Brian watching her in amusement and she looked down in embarrassment muttering a quiet ,'Thank you'.


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