Chapter 22

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Hey guys ! So i was reading over the book yesterday and i noticed that i almost never mention his injured arm so i'm gonna just rectify that. It's nothing big so don't worry. In stead of him doing stuff with both hands i'll just say he did them one handed and i'll just mention his cast here and there.I would like to thank all my readers, followers and all who voted .


He chuckled and reached twirling a lock of her hair around his finger and grinning happily when it curled.They sat there in a comfortable silence for a while with him playing with her hair and she secretly enjoying it.

He looked up at her suddenly and asked softly " What happened to you earlier Lisa? It was like you went into delayed shock or something. The doctor said that your blood pressure was high and your heart beat was elevated".

"Doctor?", she questioned confused.

"Yeah . I called him after you fainted", he explained.

"Oh", she vaguely remembered an unfamiliar face hovering over her at some point.

"So what happened?".

"Oh. It's nothing. I'm was just tired", she shrugged not looking at him. She was afraid he'd see the truth in her eyes.

"Don't you trust me Lisa?", he asked feeling a little hurt.

She nodded looking down . she trusted him completely,there was no doubt about it.

"Look at me", he said softly.

She did.

"Then talk to me, tell me whats wrong. let me help you if i can", he pleaded.

She drew in a shaky breath. She could feel the tears sting the back of her eyes. She knew it was better to get it off her chest now both for her emotional and physical health. She tried to find the right way to tell him but there was no right words so she told him as plainly as she could.

"My mom died a week before i moved here. She woke up one night in pain. Her nipples and breast were aching and we couldn't figure out why so she took some pain killers and went back to be. it went on for a whole week before i finally convinced her to take a biopsy. She did and they found out that she had Piaget disease of the nipple. After a while it started itching, burning and it was crusted, scaly, red and sometimes bleeding. We went back to them and they said that she had to do a Mastectomy, that's basically a surgery to remove all or part of the breast and sometimes other tissues. We couldn't afford the surgery!", she shook her head sadly reliving the moment.

"There was this other treatment, i can't remember the name though. They agreed to give her the treatment as long as we kept paying but even with me working part time and her full time job as a teacher we still couldn't keep up with the payments so they stopped giving the treatment and she was eventually bed ridden".

He took her into his arms , gently stroking her hair as she continued.

"One day i came home from college and went to her room. she looked ten times worst than the day before. we talked , she told me how i should leave and make a better life for myself and how much she loved me. she asked for some water so i went to get it but when i came back she was-", a sob escaped her lips as tears streamed down her face. She held her hands to her heart. It hurt so much, she felt like it was being ripped out of her chest.

"She left me Brian", she sobbed, hiccuping.

" I'm so sorry Lisa . I had no idea. It's all my fault .I was the one who brought up your mother in the first place. I shouldn't have and i'm so sorry", he was so mad at himself that her felt like throwing himself in front of a big truck, twice.

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