Chapter 17

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Brian sat stunned in his chair .  He couldn't get over the fact that Lisa just hugged him. That was the last thing he'd expected since he saw the look of regret in her eyes when he'd opened the door. His heart clenched at the sight . If she regretted making out with him then how would she feel if he'd actually made love to her?

He sighed and paced his office restlessly . He'd been so happy to see her face after the awful day he'd had but the look in her eyes had nearly killed him . He'd spent all day with Nancy because she thought they needed some ' alone' time. He shuddered at the memory of Nancy in the orange lingerie, flimsy and her ridiculous attempt at getting him to make love to her . After an hour and a half he'd finally convinced her that they should do something else instead. She suggested shopping and he was more than happy to go along with it , that is until she had dragged him from store to store and had him sit down in an uncomfortable chair a she had tried on outfit after outfit , some of which looked absolutely horrid on her but he'd had to lie to keep her happy. If all of those lies hadn't earned her a one way ticket to hell she didn't know what would.

He moved over to the door yanked it open and marched through. He took the stars two by two and just kept walking until he was at Melanie's room. He was about to march into the room and do god knows what but the sight before him made him stop short.


Lisa ran upstairs and burst through the room bouncing excitedly.

"Guess , what ?", she asked Melanie skipping over to the window where Melanie was still sitting.

"Umm, you finally figured out how to use your brain?"

"Okay , do you always have to insult me?", Lisa demanded. She had stopped bouncing a while ago and was now standing with her hands on her hips.

"I'm not insulting you.I'm just trying to make you aware of your situation. You know it's like when the doctor tells his patient that they have like maybe diabetes or something and then he tells them to cut back on the>>>>>>>>>>>? Well you need to do the complete opposite. You really need brain food better yet go ahead and buy a whole case of brain booster. so maybe you can get a brain boost or something because you need it.It's like your brain is short circuiting or something", Melanie concluded.

"That was insulting and I take offense to that. How did you even know about short circuiting in the first place?".

"Umm , there this thing called the 'internet' , duh?".

"And how did you get access to the internet Melanie", Lisa asked suspiciously .

"Why do you want to know?".

"Nothing , just curious", she shrugged.

Melanie rolled her eyes." Daddy wrote his password down in his office".

"Ahh, sneaky are we".

"Yeah , I'm getting more and more like you".

"What's that supposed to mean?".

 Another shrug. "Nothing. Insulting you makes me feel better".

"Okay well , here's how it's going to be . I'll be nice to you and you'll be nice to me, okay?"

"What do I get out of it?".

Lisa flung her hands up in the air ,exasperated. "I don't know".

"Well you'd better figure something out ,and make it good", Melanie added as an after thought.

Lisa blew out a long breath. "You get to be my friend and you know what that means right? We go to the movies and eat popcorn and shop for clothes and buy a dog and other exciting girl stuff".

"I though you were trying to convince me not horrify me".

Lisa mouth dropped open." But-".

"Relax sick fish I was just kidding. That actually sounds fun. Were you serious about the whole dog thing?", she asked the last part with hope leaking into her voice .

"If your father approves then yes. I've always wanted a dog but my mom was allergic to them so I couldn't get one", her voice broke at the last part . She swallowed the lump that was lodged and blinked back tears.

"Can I get a pen and paper , please", her voiced was clearer than she expected and she was thankful flr that.

"Yeah , why?", Melanie got up and pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen from her drawer and gave it to Lisa . She took it and went to sit at Melanie's desk and began writing . When she was done she held it out for Melanie.

Melanie took it, read it then burst out laughing. "Seriously?", she gasped.

"Yep and we need a witness so Brian can you come in here?".

Brian's eyes widened in shock . He was certain that he hadn't made a sound. A walked into the room and stood in front of Lisa , smiling sheepishly.

"How did you know I was there?"

"It's like a sixth sense or something. I used to babysit for my neighbor back home and I always knew when the kids were doing something wrong or when they were creeping up on me".

"Oh", was all he said.

Melanie took the pen , signed the paper then gave it back to Lisa who signed and handed it to him. He was more than curious about what was written on the paper.

This is a legally binding contract that states that Melanie Sophia Shaunfield and Lisa Brianna Richards are going to be civil to each other every second of everyday with no exceptions.  


                                                                                          Melanie Sophia Shaunfield

                                                                                        Lisa Brianna Richards



He wrote his full name in the empty space chuckling softly .He was about to give the paper back to her but she shook her headed smiling.

"No you keep it, safe so sneaky hands can't find them", she teased glancing at Melanie who rolled her eyes.

He didn't want to leave yet so he asked the first questioned that popped into his mind. "What do you have in mind for the redecorating?".

 And she told him. He stood there leaning against the desk listening to her every word and enjoying her beautiful smile while thinking  that he wouldn't mind waking up to her sweet voice every morning in fact he'd welcomed it.


Hey guys !! I know this chapter wasn't very eventful but that's because I'm not feeling well and my mom told me to stay off the computer but I'm hiding under the sheets typing. I feel sooo sneaky right now. Like a ninja!! Anyhow I just wanted to give you guys something since it's my birthday today and i'm feeling generous.:D

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