Chapter 8- part 2

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She went back to her room and parted through her closet . She didn't know if they dressed formally for dinner or not  so she pulled out a white sundress with yellow flowers ,white sandals and a pearl necklace. She laid her clothes on the bed and took a quick shower.

She got dressed then twisted her hair into a bun at the top of her head . She didn't put on any make up since she preferred to keep it natural. She was putting on her sandals when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in ", she called.

Melanie strode in wearing a white sundress with pink flowers and white sandals.

"Hey , we're matching ", Lisa pointed out grinning.

"Yeah but i look way better ", Melanie said flipping her long  side braid.

"Well okay then " , Lisa said smoothing her dress awkwardly.

"Let's go , daddy's waiting", Melanie said walking back out the room , leaving her to follow.

Melanie led her down the long , curving staircase and down the hall way filled with ugly black and white paintings. Seriously , who hung those? Did that person have a grudge against colour or something?

The came to stand before the second door on the right of the hall.

Melanie knocked twice and the door swung open , revealing a large dining room. The room was painted beige and burgundy draperies hung by the windows. There was a long dinning table in the centre of the room , loaded with different kinds of foods. The delicious smell floated to her and to her utter embarrassment her stomach rumbled loudly but it seems that no one heard .

Brian smiled at her as he graciously pulled out a chair for her. He had stood up when she walked in . He was wearing a blue dinner shirt and black tailored slacks.

"You look lovely Ms. Richards ", he said .

"Thank you . You look very well yourself", she replied blushing.

"Hey look , you and Mel are matching".

"Yeah , that's what i said", she smiled .

Melanie scowled at her when her father wasn't looking.

An older woman came into the room to serve them , Ms. Mayor she presumed.

"Would you like some roast beef ,dear?", the woman asked kindly. She was about an inch taller than Lisa's 5'4 , with straight silver hair pulled into a sleek  bun, kind brown eyes, a straight nose and  a small mouth. She had fair skin and a plump figure.

"No thank you . Just chicken and salad please".

"Why, you don't eat enough to keep a bird alive.Mel eats much more than that", she exclaimed then piled Lisa's plate high with  steamed fish , baked chicken , mashed potatoes , green beans and salad. 

"I can't eat all of this", She protested.

"You will or so help me god....", she threatened.

"Thank you Ms. Mayor. Now let's eat ", Brian said.

"Can i pray , daddy?", Melanie asked hopefully.

Awe , she want's to pray. That's so sweet, Lisa thought.

"Sure , go right ahead".

"Dear god , thank you for a wonderful meal and thank you for saving daddy. Please bless this house and let you angels watch over it because it seems as though it only  attract s scheming , gold digging women. Thanks god", She finished with a triumphant smile.

Wow ,that was quite a mouthful.

"Melanie", Brian glared at her and she ducked her head , grabbed her fork and started shoveling food into her mouth.

They began eating and all through dinner Brian kept her laughing with stories of when he was younger.


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