Chapter 29 pt 2

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Heyyyy guys!!! So i guess there's going to be a part three to this.

I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors. Now enjoy!!!


He waited anxiously to hear her response. He was really happy with the decision he made but he wanted to make sure that she was happy with it too. Her happiness contributed to his after all.

''So are okay with me and Lisa being together, Mel? '', he repeated the question since she looked as though she hadn't even heard him speak.

''She makes you happy'', she stated still giving him a blank look. He almost rolled his eyes at her. It was almost funny how she tried to make him uncomfortable. He'd seen her do it to Lisa few times and it was hilarious how it seemed to unnerve her.

''Yes, she does'', he replied unnecessarily.

''I like her and she makes you happy so yes, i guess i'm okay with it. She's way better than Nancy if you asked me'', she began playing with her braid as she swung her foot back and fort at the edge of the bed.

"Why do you say that? Didn't you like Nancy?", he asked frowning. He agreed with her about Lisa being better than Nancy but what shocked him was the hateful way she said Nancy's name.

"Not really. She's so fake and super mean too".

Brian frowned. "So why did you tell me that you liked her if it wasn't true?"

Melanie shrugged. "I thought you loved her".

"I suppose i did love her in a way but don't you ever do that again, okay. I want to do what's best for you Mel but i can't if you lie to me. So you have to tell me the truth at all times okay?", he asked pulling her to him and sitting her down on his lap.

"Okay",she nodded.

"So do you really like Lisa? Don't lie to me Mel",he warned.

"Yes Daddy, i like her. I promise",she smiled up at him.

"Okay" he nodded satisfied. "So what do you like about her?", he asks with a happy smile .

"I like her hair on her eyes . Oh and I like the way she sings. She's really pretty too but she's really annoying sometimes", she grumbled the last part.

"Annoying?", he laughed "How so?"

"She's always telling me to be nice. I don't want to be nice", she made a face as it being nice disgusted her.

Brian laughed"Why? There's nothing wrong with being nice Mel. Do you know what happens to mean people?"

"People stop bothering them and they get to live their lives in peace?",she asked with a cheeky grin.

"No", he chuckled. "They grow old really fast and because they are so mean no one wants to be around them so the only thing they have for company are lazy cats. Do you want that?".

"I don't like cats",she scrunched up her face,"Can i have bunnies instead?".

"Mel",he warned but he couldn't help chuckling lightly.

"It sounds like the perfect life for me though", she chirped.

"No it doesn't", he flicked her nose, chuckling when she glared at him. "Now promise me you won't give Lisa a hard time and that you'll be nice to Lillian and her mom".

"But daddy",she began to protest but he cut her off with a firm tone.

"No buts Melanie. Lillian and Charlotte are guests in our home and you will treat them both with respect. If there is a problem you can come to either me or Lisa,okay? Or you can even go to Beth and James",the last part he added as an after thought.

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