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***Anime information***

Seasons: 1

Episodes: 13

Episode length: 24:00

Genre: Action, Seinen

Viewers rating: 7/10

Opening: mind as Judgment

Ending: My heaven

Plot: Oosawa Maria is a Japanese photographer currently working in Shanghai, China. Along with her partner Mino, she searches for potential newsworthy stories throughout the city. When strange events occur at a local festival, Maria and Mino immediately investigate. Quickly, the two are immersed in a battle between unknown masked men and a strange, white-haired woman. Just when Maria is about to be caught in the crossfire, an old friend by the name of Canaan appears and helps Maria escape. But a sinister plot over a deadly virus soon develops, and Canaan learns she must confront her past if she wants any chance at stopping the perpetrator and saving her friends.

***personal input***

Personal rating: 4/10

Opinion: I really had high expectations of this anime. Upon selecting it at random to watch, and then reading it's synopsis, I became very excited to see the anime. To summarize everything I'm about to say; the anime was a huge let down and I really ended up disliking it.

Now that you get that show is really bad, let me dig into the details.

I'll start with the story. It sounded cool. The first episode or two made it all seem really awesome, however it wasn't. From the start it had a strong opening. Showing us vital elements that kept us wanting to watch. However as the episodes continued, the pacing began to waver and the story took predictable and stupid turns. I was fixated on learning about what the hell was going on in China, but soon it became international terrorism and I just lost interest. I think even the antagonist was a horribly bland character that I had no liking towards whatsoever. You know you have good characters when people like the bad guy.

We were also provided with quite a lot of insight of the past and back stories of a few characters. I would prompt the anime on this, as a lot of shows are missing this vital element. But, they didn't do anything right. The back story that was presented was utter trash and I hated hearing about it. Not only that, but the motives of the protagonist and the antagonist were centered around this incredibly stupid reasoning!

From what I was expecting, the plot of the anime was the biggest let for of them all. It seem amazing with a different concept, guns, all types of fighting, and even bioterrorism. Yet all these elements didn't help cover up the horrid nature of the show. In reality, while it was by no means generic, it was bland.

When we move into the music I begin the lighten my blows. While doing rather bad in just about everything else, I will say the anime had a well done soundtrack, that I enjoyed very much. Past that is the art and animation, which also was done rather well. With all the intense action of the anime, it really brought out the talents behind the animation, and the art in general was rather good.

However, when we turn towards characters, things get to shit again. All of them sucked so bad! One chick was insane, one guy was in love with her for no fucking reason! One girl couldn't talk, and ended up killing her love because she did. But oh boy! That doesn't compare to the sheer rivalry between the two main characters. As the well developed personalities clash, because there can only be one.

Yeah, I'm just kidding. The two rivals weren't good characters by any means. They tied into a stupid plot as dumb characters. They literally had zero personality to them. Some of the most bland and boring characters I've see thus far. And other characters? Some of them tried to be funny, in events that made me want to shoot myself. The little comedy there was, well it was also bad. In fact only one time was there every something actually funny. (See that below)

Geez, I'm getting worked up just reviewing it. Let me send you all away with this note; This anime was so bad! While it did score a 5/10 that was only for some redeeming qualities it did have. As far as the story went, 1/10 sucked so bad. There is no reason to watch the anime, other than to say you've done so. If you're looking to actually enjoy a show, this is not the one to choose.

Favorite character:

Taxi driver

Favorite part:


Plot: 70

Op: 83

Character's: 70

Art style: 80

Enjoyment: 60

Canaan average: 72 (D level anime)

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