Ookami shoujo to kuro Ouji

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***Anime information***

Seasons: 1

Episodes: 12

Episode length: 24:00

Genre: Comedy, School, Romance, Shoujo

Viewers rating: 7/10


Ending: Ookami heart

Plot: Erika Shinohara has taken to lying about her romantic exploits to earn the respect of her new friends. So when they ask for a picture of her "boyfriend," she hastily snaps a photo of a handsome stranger, whom her friends recognize as the popular and kind-hearted Kyouya Sata.

Trapped in her own web of lies and desperately trying to avoid humiliation, Erika explains her predicament to Kyouya, hoping he will pretend to be her boyfriend. But Kyouya is not the angel he appears to be: he is actually a mean-spirited sadist who forces Erika to become his "dog" in exchange for keeping her secret.

Begrudgingly accepting his deal, Erika soon begins to see glimpses of the real Kyouya beneath the multiple layers of his outer persona. As she finds herself falling for him, she can't help but question if he will ever feel the same way about her. Will Kyouya finally make an honest woman out of Erika, or is she destined to be a "wolf girl" forever?

***personal input***

Personal rating: 7/10

Opinion: This was probably one of the wildest anime rollercoasters I've been on. It was up and down, back and forth, over and over! But let talk about that. Here's my opinion of Ookami shoujo to kuro Ouji!

Firstly, our plot. Honestly, I hated the entire idea, the entire premise, it was garbage. Now, it was realistic, as this type of dramatic bull shit is very common in high school girls. However, that doesn't make it any better. It was trash! Now, I say that I hate the ideas. I will admit that the story does get pretty good towards the end of the show.

I just can't get over how stupid the protagonist is. To fit in she starts hanging out with the WORST people in the entire class. She pretends to be as bitchy as them, and lies about getting banged so many times. Why?! Why would you want to fit in that bad?! Hang out with someone else!

So, she ends up getting blackmailed in becoming a "Dog".... Okay. That was another problem I had. No matter how you look at it, the main love interest was a humongous dick! Externally he was "hot" and got good grades. He was the prince of the school. But his personality was sadistic. There was nothing worth loving in the guy. So, I don't see, I don't understand why in God's name the main character fell in love with him. It was illogical as hell.

Now, I'll just say again, the first six or seven episodes really annoyed and pissed me off. But, I must add that the anime got pretty good after that. For reasons I don't understand myself, when the two main characters did get together, I shipped them all the way, and was waiting for all these developments. Towards the end the anime did a total 180° and came out with a good ending and a good story.

Next is the art style and animation. Seeing as how the anime is a shoujo, there is a very recognizable art style to it. Almost something like a typical shoujo style, the normal. Not that it was bad. In fact the way everything was produced was incredibly well done. The animation was also fluid. Allowing everything to flow together in a smooth manner.

The soundtrack was also something to praise. It was so good! Not only were both the opening and the ending great, but the ost tracks that played throughout the romantic scenes really fit well. Overall the music was fantastic.

Finally, our characters. They definitely weren't the highlight of the anime. In fact, with the exclusion of the two best friends in the series, I found that there was a lack of characters that I could like and enjoy. I despised the main character and the main love interest. The two preppy friends were appalling. The character cast just wasn't strong in my eyes. Now, they did make the show work, giving off a slightly believable setting and story of a highschool life. I just couldn't like any of them.

I will say that during the second half, the anime had some great developments. In fact, I'd almost say some of the best relationship developments I've seen, but I don't want to go too far. But they were good. Mainly it was the romantic developments between the main characters, but it was really well done in the second half.

While the first half was absolute garbage, I think that the second half and the ending made up for it and then some. All in all I'd say it's worth a shot and if you stick it out like I did, then you may come to like it just as I have.

Favorite character:

Sanda, Ayumi

Hibiya Takeru

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Hibiya Takeru

Favorite part:

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Favorite part:


Plot: 70

Op: 80

Character's: 70

Art style: 90

Enjoyment: 80

Ookami shoujo to kuro Ouji average: 78 (D level anime)

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