The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy War

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***Anime information***

Seasons: 1

Episodes: 4

Episode length: 24:00

Genre: Action, Adventure, Supernatural, Ecchi, Fantasy, Shounen

Viewers rating: 7/10

Opening: Classic

Ending: Iro Asenai Hitomi

Plot: Having taken the kingdom of Leones back from Holy Knights, the Seven Deadly Sins, along with Elizabeth and Hawk, can finally enjoy the peaceful lives they earned. However, with premonitions of a new threat looming, their happy, ordinary days are about to end...

***personal input***

Personal rating: 7/10

Opinion: Ah yes, the ever so anticipated "second season" of one of my personal favorite fantasy anime. When I heard the news of this coming out on Netflix I was so incredibly hyped. However! My expectations were dearly betrayed, as this was no what I had in mind.

Considering it's length I have less to say, but let's get right into it! Here is what I'll refer to as a series of specials following after the events of Seven deadly sins. I present my opinion of The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy War!

So, as I said, this is like a series of specials that follow the main anime. The plot, as I usually cover first, wasn't exactly present. Now, the first thing the episodes did very well was show off the aftermath of the main anime. The series picks up directly after the main anime ends, and so I was given a surprising glimpse into the afterwards of the anime. This was very well done. GG.

And so, the episodes are, quite frankly, pointless in terms of the actual plot. There are a few scenes that do play out in the plots favor and keep the story's cogs turning. But I'm speaking in more of a general sense. It was just an hour and a half of the characters doing random shit. Not much more.

But, seeing as how I'm considering these episodes specials, that isn't all that bad or uncommon.

And, becoming I am the constant shipping bastard that I am, I feel the need to express my joy in seeing King and Diana become closer. I feel like a large portion of time was put into developing their relationship and taking it to a mores intimate and romantic level. I loved this! They were my OTP through the entire anime, and so to see some of that personal fan service coming into play, it really made my watch a million times more enjoyable.

The art and animation was the same as the original anime. And by that I mean that it was great and I loved it. A very nice art style to depict all those nice characters in those fan service situations, and an awesome animation to bring it all together smoothly.

Of course, the characters were the same as well. Mostly. I loved that we were able to see more of the characters that didn't make much appearing in the original anime. Merlin for example. Being able to see more of her and learn more about her character was a real treat. The same goes for all the other characters with similar situations.

And I naturally loved the majority of characters from the original cast. They brought this random bullshit to life and made it an enjoyable shipping festival.

And lastly I must say how well of a job the producers did with the soundtrack of this anime. It lives up to the expectations that the original anime set with it's amazing soundtrack, and even goes as far as to rival it. Both opening and ending were masterfully done, and an epic contribution to the anime.

So, in a nutshell, if you liked the original anime, I don't see a reason why you won't also enjoy this. Give it a shot, I was surprise at the 180 it did. And hey, it ends with an implication of an actual second season. So, we'll have that to look forward to!

Favorite character:




Plot: 85

Op: 90

Character's: 95

Art style: 93

Enjoyment: 97

The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy War average: 92 (B level anime)

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