Zetsuen no Tempest

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***Anime information***

Seasons: 1

Episodes: 24

Episode length: 23:00

Genre: Action, Mystery, Psychological, Drama, Magic, Fantasy, Shounen

Viewers rating: 8/10

Opening: 1.) Spirit Inspiration

2.) Daisuki nano ni

Ending: 1.) happy endings

2.) Boku-tachi no Uta

Plot: Yoshino Takigawa, an ordinary teenager, is secretly dating his best friend Mahiro's younger sister. But when his girlfriend Aika mysteriously dies, Mahiro disappears, vowing to find the one responsible and make them pay for murdering his beloved sister. Yoshino continues his life as usual and has not heard from Mahiro in a month—until he is confronted by a strange girl who holds him at gunpoint, and his best friend arrives in the nick of time to save him.

Yoshino learns that Mahiro has enlisted the help of a witch named Hakaze Kusaribe to find Aika's killer and of the existence of an entity known as the "Tree of Exodus." The witch's brother selfishly desires to make use of its power, in spite of the impending peril to the world. However, Hakaze is banished to a deserted island, and it is now up to Yoshino and Mahiro to help her save the world, while inching ever closer to the truth behind Aika's death.

***personal input***

Personal rating: 5/10

Opinion: This was a really promising anime. Without watching any of it, it appeared to be a cool show, sounded as if it held a cool concept, and had so many genres that where right up me alley. So, what the hell happened?!

From the start it showed that my expectations where about to be demolished, as there seemed to be so much going on and again, so much promise. It started as a seemingly well done shounen with an interesting concept. However, as the halfway point in the series came into view, it became clear that the show was reducing itself to trash. In almost an instance, in less than a whole episode, all the characters we've known to be the villains are suddenly good guys that support the main characters. Why?!

As the middle of the anime passed, the story became more centered on destroying the "Tree of Genesis", this wasn't the worst thing to happen, but this took a heavy toll on some characters. Mahiro, who's soul purpose was revenge, suddenly looses that part of his personality, and isn't as cool of a character. Did I mention he basically has no meaning to the show at that point? He was one of my favorite characters, but realistically, he did nothing in the second half and had no real meaning. The same goes for so many others. If I'm being honest with myself, and you all, the first half of the show was good, it was great! But around episode fifteen, the anime is just horrible.

Now, regarding the story, there is one other thing I need to address. So, the whole point of the first half is to find a murderer that killed the sister of Mahiro. Okay, that was cool, I was interested and wanted to know who it was more than anything. In fact I was just waiting for the episode that they got what they deserved. But guess what? Episode twenty two or so rolls around, and we learn that, well the sister is the one to kill herself! There isn't another killer, it was her! Now, making her the mage of Exodus was good, I was actually surprised by that. However making her kill herself? That was idiotic and I completely hated ever bit. It was the most frustrating, infuriating thing about the show. It made the first half, the good half, pointless.

Now, when I'm not angry over the bullshit story, this anime did present me with some amazing visuals, the protagonist looked great. The other characters, not so much, but all in all, it was a beautiful series in terms of art. Adding onto that is a rather enjoyable soundtrack. Two great openings, and some okay endings. It made the beginnings and ends of every episode better.

Finally is our characters. I already stated how angry I got that suddenly all the baddies where goodies, but besides that.. The characters were ones that I liked, however most where meaningless, and empty. My favorite character was only around for revenge, and that became meaningless halfway through, so he was a pointless character. There where similar situations with various characters, and it made for an annoying element. However, as I said, for the most part, I really liked these characters.

The anime was a huge let down, and I feel like anywhere past episode fourteen was a waste of time. The only thing that I really liked about the second half was that the protagonist managed to kiss the princess in the last few frames of the last episode. That's enough to say my ship sailed, so of course I'm happy about that. I wouldn't recommend this, as only watching half is pointless and the second half was garbage. It's just a bad anime that frequently tosses around Shakespeare quotes like it was born to do so.

Favorite character:

Kusaribe Hakaze

Kusaribe Hakaze

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Fuwa Mahiro

Favorite part: (Best right in the entire show

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Favorite part: (Best right in the entire show. Sadly this horrid music has beeninserted.)


Plot: 87

Op: 88

Character's: 90

Art style: 93

Enjoyment: 85

Zetsuen no Tempest average: 87 (B level anime)

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