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"… What?"

The man's voice was so soft, she almost missed it. He always had that kind of voice (the reason she fell in love and the same reason she quickly fell out of love) that girls love and can't help but hate at the same time. Yes you would, having to listen to it every second of your life even at the most serious of moments. She inwardly groaned.

However in reality, she sported a pitiful, guilt-ridden look and sighed ever so slowly like it was the hardest thing to do.

"I… I'm sorry oppa, I really don't want to hurt you. I really don't know what happened…! But I don't love you anymore. I'm really sorry oppa."

She slowly placed something on the table and Yoochun immediately (fearfully) realized what it was. It's the engagement ring she wanted, the one he bought for her using almost half his life savings. She's really serious about this. He paled, refusing to look at the ring any longer.

"But- But that's not possible! I love you so much! And you love me too! We're supposed to get married in a few months!"

She looked away.

From his point of view, he suddenly (albeit a little confused why) becomes aware that he couldn't really determine if she was feeling sorry or annoyed. It's terrifying.

"I'm really sorry oppa... I'm not going through with the marriage... I can't." She looked back at the man, imploring. "We should just break off our engagement now before it's too late."

Yoochun can't believe what he's hearing. "What?! Why?! Please Soyoung-ah, I love you so much! I give you everything you wanted! Is it not enough? Did I do something wrong? Is it about last week? I'll buy you that bag when I get my paycheck, okay? I'll buy anything you want! I'll do anything, please! I love you so much Soyoung-ah." He tried to hold her hand but she quickly retracted her hand that was resting on the table upon noticing his intention.

She sighed again, louder this time, and shook her head. Why does he have to make things so complicated? She hate this kind of men the most.

"Yoochun oppa…"

"No no no no." He was frantic by now, he's sure as he vaguely realized all those eyes currently on him from all around the café. "We can't break off the engagement! We can't call off the wedding! Just- Tell me Soyoung-ah, tell me! What did I do wrong?! I'll make it up to you!"

"Yoochun oppa!" She all but screeched, her eyes hardening on him. "Why are you making this hard?! I don't love you anymore. Period!" Suddenly aware of her rising voice, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Opening them, she stared into Yoochun's eyes with her cold ones. "I'm sorry for realizing this now but oppa, you're not the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I don't love you anymore oppa. So let's end this when it's still not too late."


Damn. Can he please not show that face? As if she's guilty or something? "Please Yoochun oppa, if you really love me, let me go." With that said, she got up and walked out of the cafe.

Yoochun was too dumbfounded to act. Only after she exited the café did he recovered and immediately got up, leaving a few bills on the table, to chase after her. But he froze, seeing her kissing another man across the road and felt like his worst nightmare just began...

But little did he know, what started of as a nightmare will be the beginning of a very very beautiful reality for him.

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