HORRID series: A Child's Murder

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"Please, please let me go..." The child whimpered, his throat aching and his stomach rumbling. He haven't eaten anything for days, hadn't had a taste of water for almost as long.

The adult with him laughed, his voice hollow and eerie. "Now, now, be a good boy and shut up." He cooed but with a slap to a bloodied cheek and a kick to a sunken stomach.

The child groaned in reflex, not as loud as he used to because his lithe body had already grown immune to the assaults. He felt rather numb now, his brain barely registered the pain in fact. All he thought about was home.

The adult smiled as he picked a sharpened knife and cradled it with gentle care. Slowly, the adult traced the child's naked figure with it and smiled even wider as the boy unconsciously reacted to the cold metal, already knowing what to be expected.

The sly smile stayed as the adult pressed the edge of the knife at the bare little chest, marveling as droplets of red oozed out beautifully slow. The child whimpered but didn't react as violently like the first time.

The adult eagerly licked the liquid on the knife, eyes fully transfixed with the driping blood. His gaze lost its intensity the longer he stared at the weakened child until he finally looked away, chuckling. A few more then, the adult decided as his eyes landed on the child's last beauty mark, then you'll be perfect for my collection.

And cue the adult's search for another prized collection...

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