BAD DAY? [2/5]

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Jaejoong eagerly jumps out the moment the door opened, not showing any sign of hesitance at all despite recognizing Mr.Noh amongst the crowd of people waiting outside. He's too glad to escape the horrible experience to care about the sure possibility of being fired right there and then in front of everyone. Oh but this time he wouldn't go without a fight though... He's gonna make sure every single displeasure he ever felt working under Mr.Noh will be out in the open. Trust him.

When the said Mr.Noh opens his mouth, Jaejoong thinks he's ready for the blow but what comes out of the man's mouth leaves Jaejoong utterly speechless.

"Oh no! Of all people, Mr.Jung! I can't imagine how horrible it must've been to be trapped in the lift!"

Jaejoong further pales when a familiar voice coming from his back replies, "I'm sure your staff thinks it's a horrible experience for him too, Hong Chul."

Oh god no… Mr.Jung? As in Jung Yunho the current owner of this store and the rest of the Jung's chain of stores in Asia? Slowly Jaejoong turns, paling even more as the stranger stuck in the lift with him before, smiles at him. Oh god no.

Jaejoong freezes when the man grasps his arm in a kind but firm grip. "I hope you'll have no problems if I insist on taking your staff upstairs with me for a while. I'm sure he's still too shaken up to start working immediately."

"Wh- What?" Jaejoong feels like shrinking away at the glare Mr.Noh sends his way, a glare Mr.Jung seems to conveniently not notice at all. Immediately, he tries to free his arm and refuses the offer as politely as he could. "It's very nice of you to offer but Mr.Jung-"

"Just call me Yunho. What can I call you?"

Jaejoong blinks. "Eh?"

Seemingly dissatisfied with Jaejoong's lack of cooperation, the man clucks his tongue and he dryly repeats his question. "Your name?"

"Jaejoong?" Jaejoong sort of answers in reflex, pointing to himself.

The stranger, no, Mr.Jung smiles and Jaejoong feels a telltale of another blush on his cheeks. Get a grip Jaejoong! He's the Jung Yunho!

"Ah Jaejoong, a fitting name. So, Jaejoong, mind telling me how you plan to work in your current condition?" The man frowns, making a show of looking Jaejoong up and down.

Jaejoong feels himself flushing and shivering even more although he hears the slight snorting sound Mr.Noh makes in the background loud and clear.

"But first, I think a visit to the clothing department is in order." Again, he grasps on Jaejoong's arm to lead him. "Come, let's go. I'm sure Hong Chul can handle missing one of his staff for a while, can't you Hong Chul?"

"Yes, of course Mr.Jung." The way the older man agrees reluctantly despite the big pleasing (obviously fake) smile causes an uncomfortable feeling to settle in Jaejoong's stomach. Oh well. Might as well just go on and get warm since I'm getting fired anyway.

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