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Jaejoong gasped, shocked when the door opened revealing his angry sister. His words of reprimand died on his lips as she wordlessly threw a package to his bed. "What is it?"

"That's from Yunho. He said it's for you, something from his sister. He said it reminded him of you and he wanted to give it to you himself but since you don't want him here... There. Do whatever you want with it. I don't care." She stomped away, closing the door with a loud bang.

Jaejoong sighed but said nothing. It's only been two days. He knew she'll be back to normal soon. Chae Rin can never stay mad at him for long.

He eyed the thin package warily. Despite his better judgement, he started to unwrap the thing with trembling fingers.

It's a painting... A framed painting of a swan. It's a beautiful thing as it was sad. The contrast between the lively background of a still lake and the lone black swan staring right through him made him feel like crying. It's so real... It felt real... The painting's done in a way he can literally feel the rise and fall of each stroke. The colours... The line... There's something so human about it. Imperfect.

Why so sad? He cooed as he traced the feathers slowly, petting the thing with love when he realized something odd. He squinted his eyes for better focus and to his surprise, began to see words written on them.
'But their dreams and memories

Everyone loses something

I still want to keep living

Even if I only get hurt'
A drop of water fell onto the painting and Jaejoong threw it away, crashing a few mirrors before he began to cry in earnest. Though he never forgot, it had been a long time since he last cried for it. Father, Father, Father, Jaejoong brokenly repeated. I'm so sorry...

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