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He's thoroughly irritated at the lack of information the man seemed to have. He had half a mind to skin the man alive just for the sake of it when he was suddenly interrupted.

He crashed a few more ribs and pulled on the lever to continue the electric shock before leaving the man screaming and writhing in pain on the bloodied floor. He composed himself enough to curve a slight upturn of the lips at the unexpected presence by the door. His stepbrother.

"We have some lead bout the kid."

At that announcement, he found himself feeling relieved and smiling. Eagerly, he stepped closer to hear more. It was good news after all, the best he ever had for a long while.

"They're smuggling him to Thailand."

His smile crumpled as easily as his face contorted in alarm. He wanted to say something, ask something, but his breath was caught in his throat and he was somewhat afraid of the answers too.

"Don't worry. I was assured that he's every bit intact-"

He let out a relieved sigh.

"- only a bit beaten out and unconscious."

He tensed. "Clarify."

"He put up quite a fight and tried to escape when they're still in Korea. They beat him as a warning to others and drugged him to prevent future misfortune."

He clucked his tongue, angrily annoyed. If things weren't being difficult right now, he'll fly to Thailand himself right this instant. But as it was, he had to play patient. "Go. Get him out of Thailand. I'm giving you the authority to all our resources. I don't give a damn how you do it, but get him in Japan before the end of tomorrow."

"Leader, is this necessary? We're already in possession of the Dragon clan. Nobody will suspect anything if we close one eye on him. Are you sure you want to go out of your way for that kid?"

In a split second, he had one hand around his stepbrother's neck applying pressure. "Are you questioning me?" His voice turned cold and dangerous. "If you know your place, you'll know better than to question me. And the kid you're talking about is my betrothed, the sole grandchild of the man whom I had given my word to. I told the old man I'll take care of that kid in return of his clan's loyalty. So believe me when I say I'll do whatever I can to make sure I honor that promise. I am the leader of this family. Remember that." He clucked his tongue and released his grasp on the man's neck.

"I'm sorry Leader!"

"Go." He turned around to the whimpering man on the floor, still being electrified. He's one of the man supposedly responsible for the attack on the Dragon clan and the loss of their heir though there's too many things that doesn't add up yet. But it doesn't matter. He'll get to the bottom of this, one way or another, soon. "Bring him home."

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