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I don't believe in fairytales as much as I don't believe in supernatural. In my opinion, magic, ghosts, vampires, werewolves etc are all part of a fucked up bullshit delirious people created. I don't even believe in afterlife! After all, I'm an atheist. I just don't believe in things I can neither see or feel.

But maybe I was wrong.

Maybe some of these things are real. Like this brooding vampire who's currently licking my wrist like a starved puppy. It's weird. I don't really feel intimidated by him. It's more like the shock of seeing him bare his fangs when he explained why I found myself waking up in a freaking countryside (in the middle of nowhere!) with a stranger haven't died yet. So, maybe I felt myself comforted that he's only licking my skin now. If he's really capable of drinking my blood, being licked is way more acceptable than anything else he could be doing. But apparently licking my wrist troubles him or something I guess cause he actually started to whimper out loud.

"What... What's wrong?" Why should I ask? Do I really want to know? What if he said he's hungry and starving for my blood?


Okay what? More information, please. I'm no mind reader, okay? Plain human here. "Huh?"

He literally growled at me, eyes squinting red and okay, that's a little scary.

"You took so long... So long, that I thought you're never coming for me. And now I found you but you! Your blood... Why are you doing this to me?! I want your blood so bad, so very bad."

I think it's normal if I don't understand a word he said, right? Except for the 'I want your blood so bad' part. But he haven't drain me yet so I guess I'm safe? For now?

"I hate you!"

Okay what the hell?! You should not kidnap a stranger, you should not whimper while licking that said stranger's wrist and then say you hate him!

For some reason feeling angry, I found the strength to shove the bulky man (vampire?) away and stood upright. Too bad it all happened too fast though, cause the next thing I knew was this sudden lightheadedness and the feeling of dread because I was falling.

But I didn't fall.

"My stupid, stupid human."

I heard him, loud and clear as his mouth was pressed beside my face because he was cradling me in his embrace. I'm still relieved and grateful that he caught my fall so I said nothing and allow him to coax me back to unconsciousness.

I feel safe.


He makes me feel safe.

Don't fight it, child... It's alright... You're safe now...

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