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"My King."

Not even startled with the sudden presence, his royal highness sighed and continued to disrobe. "You have returned, my beloved?"

"But I was gone only for a while, my King." Said the Royal Guard in amusement, stepping closer towards his royal highness. Silently, he helped his king undress with a small smile.

The King merely shrugged. "You are the Warrior of Heaven. The trustworthy protector whom have guarded me since before I was Crown Prince... It's a little maddening how much I have grown used to your presence."

"Forgive me, my King."

Fully naked, his royal highness walked to his luxurious bed followed by the Royal Guard. "It is fine. I am just slightly uncomfortable without you by my side, that's all." He smiled.

Kneeling on the floor right in front of his king, the Royal Guard nodded.

"What news do you have for me then, warrior?"

Raising his head, the older man spoke. "The rumors are true, my King. They are indeed planning a revolt."

The King's face hardened, eyes glinting dangerously. "And?"

"My men is taking care of them right this moment."

"Good." The King smiled. With the Royal Guard by his side, he have nothing to fear. It's like standing with an army... To him, just the presence of the Warrior of Heaven alone is more assuring than the thousandth of soldiers under his lead.

"Now strip."

The Royal Guard smirked and proceeded to perform the order. Even after so many years, even with so many women in their life, the King had always desired him and he the King. No one could deny their bond and nobody would dare question their forbidden relationship unless they're prepared to die. If not by the King's decree, then by the Royal Guard's sword.

The man undressed quickly as his King stared with hooded eyes, both feeling the familiar attraction pooling in their guts. Licking his lips, his royal highness then pulled his beloved towards him. "You can have your reward now, my love."
Anyone can guess who's the King and who's the Royal Guard? Damn, after FIRE I'm still crazy enough to try and write historical stuff... I'm really killing myself with this because god, I actually like this universe! Damn damn. Self torture at its best here. Maybe I can write about the palace but with modern setting? Urgh. My head hurts. I'm even torn about deciding what Yunho/Jaejoong's role should be because hell yeah, both can rock being the King OR Royal Guard okay. Oh. There's a reason I'm writing this note that I'm pretty convinced only 1-3 people will read but let's see if my little experiment succeed. Shhhh it's a secret! ;)

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