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"Jaejoong! Yunho! What are you two doing?!"

At the sudden shout, the two young boys nervously scrambled to their feet. The smaller boy quickly hid behind the taller one, fisting the hem of the other’s pants with fearful eyes.

"Jaejoong, you should've known better than to let Yunho sucks on your nipples like that! You’re a boy!" Auntie Cha said, hands on her hips and eyes narrowing to slits.

The said twelve year old boy looked down guiltily. "But Daddy always let Yunnie sucks on his nipples..." He softly reasoned, purposefully not mentioning the fact that his late mother always scolded his late father for doing so. "And Yunnie said he doesn't want to eat if I don't let him play first." His eyes immediately traveled to his brother still hiding behind him. He doesn't really like anyone, not even his brother to play like that with his nipples, but Jaejoong can never say no to Yunho. Beberapa. Especially not when they no longer have their parents to spoil Yunho silly like before. His baby brother is just too little to know anything. It's not fair.

"Then let him starve! Aish, your father's so stupid! I know he had some weird ideas in his head but I don't know he's that useless! Letting his son to suck on his nipples for fun! What kind of a father does that?!" She scowled in distaste, oblivious to Yunho's angry gaze and Jaejoong's disapproval at her words. "What would he say if the boy grow up to like men?! Such abomination!" She shuddered and sighed in defeat. Pointing her finger at the smaller boy, she frowned. "Yunho, you're not supposed to suck on your brother's nipples okay? He’s a boy. Just like you. And you're a big boy now. Big boys don't suck nipples anymore. Only babies do."

"But- But Yunnie likes it!"

She glared. "Yunho! You can't do that anymore, understand?! Your parents' dead! I'm the one stuck taking care of you two now so you have to do what I say! It's not normal for boys to suck another boy’s nipples even if you're brothers and you're still five! I won't tolerate such things in my house. Your father should've known better than to teach you such thing!"

The five year old sniffed, lips trembling. "Yunnie don't care! Yunnie wants to! Yunnie don't care!" He stomped his feet angrily and stormed into his shared room with Jaejoong, bawling his eyes out.

Auntie Cha grabbed hold of Jaejoong’s wrist, preventing him from immediately trailing after the crying Yunho. The boy looked up with pleading eyes, wanting to comfort his little brother as quickly as he could. "Jaejoong, he's still young but you're older. You understand things, and since I'm the one taking care of you brothers now, I expect you two to behave better. Understand? Or trust me when I say I won't hesitate to give one of you away."

Jaejoong paled. "No, Auntie! Please please don't separate us! Please Auntie, don't separate us! We'll be good, I promise!"

She smiled. "I won't, I promise. As long as you two be good and listen to me."

Jaejoong desperately nodded.

"Good, I know you'll understand. You're so much better than that whiny brother of yours. Now go to your room and make your brother understand that too, okay?"

Again, Jaejoong nodded.

Auntie Cha smiled. "Good boy. Off you go."

Jaejoong quickly scrambled to his room.

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