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Yunho's overprotective, everyone knows that.

Heck even Yunho think so.

The only difference is he wished and desired to be even more. It's sad but after almost a decade, he's still reminded he can never offer enough safety for Jaejoong. The fact's made obvious again as his little brother burst into his room, shaking like crazy and biting his lips with too much force. Yunho stilled, face gentle as he cooed at the younger boy, lips spilling endless assurances and memories.

Jaejoong relaxed slightly, desperately approaching him and Yunho finally got up just in time to catch his brother in his arms. Jaejoong continued to tremble but Yunho's more relieved than worried because there were times when Jaejoong would bolt even from him. That rehection always hurt the most. Yunho never said anything but he believed it's the work of Jaejoong's unconscious mind and he's sure he deserved the treatment too. After all, it was he who left Jaejoong that day.

If only he never released Jaejoong's hands that time...

If only he paid more attention to his little brother...

If only he took a look behind...

If only he noticed his little brother wasn't following after him...

If only...

If only he was responsible, Jaejoong would never be kidnapped. Jaejoong would never went missing for almost a year. Thank goodness the police managed to track him in the end. Despite Jaejoong's changes, Yunho's more than grateful for the chance to redeem himself. He doesn't mind having to spend most of his times comforting the younger boy, shielding the traumatized brother from the reality as Jaejoong won't respond to anyone else (not even the psychologists and their parents when they're still alive).

Up until now, Jaejoong refused to ever set foot outside the house especially without Yunho by his side. And Yunho amused his little brother's every whim, uncaring of any opinions from others. No one can even glanced a look, sneaked a word what more touch Jaejoong without Yunho's permission and nobody had gotten that permission yet.

Maybe, nobody ever would.

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