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No wonder Jaejoong was late, Yunho fumed at the sight in front of him. He stalked forward stealthily as he controlled his expression back to normal despite his seething heart.

"You can stop now." Yunho smiled as he gently but firmly pried Shim Changmin's hand off Jaejoong. "I believe Jaejoong said you're hurting him."

Changmin snickered when Jaejoong, despite his intial surprise, beamed in happiness. "Sunbaenim!"

Still with a smile, Yunho turned his attention to Jaejoong. "You're late. I was beginning to get worried."

Jaejoong immediately stuttered his apology. "Oh my god I'm so sorry but it's all this this food monster's fault!" The said food monster, or well, Changmin, glowered as Jaejoong went to stand beside the man, proudly and confidently glaring at him now. "I told you I'm busy!"

"We need to talk Jae, you can't just end our relationship like that!"

Jaejoong's eyes widened, shocked that the man would say something like that in front of someone. Especially, their respected senior Yunho. "Changmin!" He unconsciously backed away from his senior, afraid of Yunho's reaction to the revealation.

But a hand gently held his and pulled him closer as a familair voice calmly said. "You're being childish. You don't love him that way, Changmin. Admit that. Don't hold on to him sefishly. As long as you do that, there's no need to have any talk because it won't do anything."

Jaejoong immediately looked up, eyes glistening in suprise and relief because not only Yunho had accepted him for being different (gay) but the man also somehow understood everything... "Sunbaenim..."

"What the-"

"Am I wrong?" Yunho challenged him but Changmin strangely remained silent then.

Yunho sighed. It seemed Changmin's finally beginning to see it too. He tugged at Jaejoong's hand, a pleasant smile on his face to mask his worry at Jaejoong's sudden quietness. "Come on Jaejoong, we're late for the meeting." He calmly said but mentally berated himself for his inability to comfort Jaejoong.

Changmin wordlessly watched as Yunho led Jaejoong away. And when Jaejoong at the very last moment turned his head back to look at him with a trace of longing and pain so visible in his eyes, Changmin felt so stupid for not realizing things sooner and making it harder for the other.

Jaejoong's in love with him... Still is...

It's him who's not.... Who never....

His eyes moved to Yunho's back. And you... How long had you loved Jaejoong?

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