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There's only two types of blood, the young ones learned.

The first is the normal blood that belongs to any animals and majority of human. It's the easiest and simplest way to quench your hunger as it's everywhere.

The second one is the sweet blood. It's a known fact that all vampires have a distinct attraction (need) to a specific blood scent. It is said that for each vampire, this blood belongs to only one human and until the said vampire crossed path with that particular human, it will never know of the human's exact blood scent. Only upon finding the human will they recognize their real hunger (need) and this sweet blood will make the vampire stronger. A few drop of this sweet blood can even save a starving vampire.

However, only the right vampire will benefit from this because to other vampires, this blood is of the same level as normal blood only. That is why vampires search for their sweet blood and protect them for as long as the human shall live (because sweet blood only works when they're still human and breathing.)

Though of course, many vampires often transformed their sweet blood's carrier anyway in order to mate with them. Humans are not the only living things that fall victim to all that perfect romance ideology, after all.

Well, back to the issue at hand.

The young ones grow up believing that there's only two types of blood. That's it. These two blood types are what they've been preaching to the young ones.

But here's a secret.

In reality, there's also a third blood existing.

This blood is so rare that only the oldest vampires are aware of its existence. And they intended to keep it that way, either to protect the blood carrier or for their own selfish reason. Because this special blood, although it have a normal blood scent but once a drop of it spilled, will attract any vampires and make them desperate for a taste. Which usually mean until the blood dried up for it's too addictive to stop. This blood can turn the weakest vampire strongest and incredibly heightened their senses. Its power is too powerful and that's probably why God created only one, centuries apart.


Yunho realized just a little too late (his fangs already lodged inside his sweet blood's human) how doomed he was. In fact he barely retrieved his fangs and covered the punctures when a vampire landed behind him, looking disoriented and too focused on his human.


His damn it.

Growling, he scooped the human into his arms, bared his fangs as another vampire and another arrived at the scene. He dodged their crazed attack with growing panic simply because of the unconscious human in his arms and when he miraculously found a chance to escape, he immediately fled with the human tucked securely against him. He ran and jumped (belatedly realizing his heightened strength and senses just then) without bothering to look back, fully aware their numbers are increasing. And to think this much improvement happened after he only got to taste a drop of it... Yunho shuddered.

It took more than an hour before Yunho realized they are already in quite a safe distance from the pursuing vampires. He made his way out of the town quickly (just to be sure) before he finally stopped to fully heal the man's wound, to lick clean his source of problem.

The fuck, Yunho cursed. He's no longer worried bout the others, they'll be thrown off course without the blood's scent leading them on. And those vampires won't even know what hit them, too young to possibly understand what had happened.

But Yunho knew exactly what happened. He's that old.

Fuck fuck. He paced with anger, eyes fixed on his human. After all this time, I finally found my sweet blood and this had to happen! What the hell! Yunho growled menacingly, feeling a little resentful at his unconscious and currently nameless human. Seriously. Of all human... why is it my sweet blood's carrier that carry the damn rare blood?!

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