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"Now now," Jaejoong smiled as he increased the pressure on the boy's hand, eliciting another loud scream from him. "What did you learn today, boy?"

Shocked with the immense pain, Hyun Woo continued to cry unfathomable words.

Jaejoong's men shook their head as the boy peed in his pants. One of them stepped forward.

"Boss, I don't think he can answer you like that."

Jaejoong turned to Micky and chuckled. "I guess you're right."

As soon as he released him, the boy rambled speedily. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!"

Jaejoong shook his head, faking his amusement. "No no no no... Wrong answer boy."

The boy paled. "I- I'm sorry... Please let me go... I'm so sorry please." Hyun Woo whimpered.

"I don't want your apology," Jaejoong's eyes hardened. "Try again."

"I- I-"

"I said tell me what you've learnt!"

"I know! I know! Don't talk to Yunho, don't look at Yunho, don't mess with Yunho! Right? Right?" His eyes shone with fear and hope as he waited for the confirmation.

Jaejoong slowly nodded. "Yes, that's right little boy... Good thing you're a fast learner." Bending his body slightly, Jaejoong used a finger to tilt the boy's face and stare into his eyes. "Make sure your little gang do the same, will you? Tell those bullies to stay away from my son... I really hate seeing his sad expression, you know? But if you tell anyone about our meeting today, especially to Yunho, I promise you I'll kill you. And trust me I will. I kill people on daily basis after all." Jaejoong smiled, eeriely beautiful as he straightened up. "Now off you go. Be a good boy and stay away from Yunho."

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