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Now I'm pretty sure, all of you have heard of creatures like vampires, werewolves, and elves among many others haven't you? And if you happened to have never heard about any of those magical creatures, don't worry because you're not really missing anything important. Yes, believe me you're really not. Whatever you could possibly heard elsewhere are just hearsays. 

However, this story I'm about to tell you is a real one but this story is not about how a human falls in love with a vampire or werewolf. No... That's too mainstream nowadays.

This love story belongs to a human alright (aren't they always?) but his lover... Well, we'll come to that a little bit later. First, let me tell you about our little human. His name is Kim Jaejoong. And for this story, we'll call him Jaejoong.

Let me tell you this, Jaejoong is exactly 11 years old when his grandmother tells him she's actually a witch and he's (soon going to be) a wizard. Like any startled but sane person, our Jaejoong burst out laughing. He is a sweet child, that simpleton Jaejoong, and he truly adores the old woman who's been taking care of him since his parents' death so instead of calling her crazy he smiles and says she's funny.

His wise wise old grandmother says nothing but lifts a finger and Jaejoong soon find himself floating or in other words, flying. Ha! That always work like a charm every time.

Now you must promise not to tell a word about this to any soul (for our Jaejoong is secretly very embarrassed about this little fact) but due to his shock and fear of height, Jaejoong ends up fainting (promptly after throwing up all his dinner too.)

So yes, let's all take pity and respect his pride as a man and pretend that we know nothing about this.

Anyway, what's really important is that approximately 4 months after the incident that must not be remembered, Jaejoong was sent to MIROTIC, the school that taught Jaejoong how to live as a secret but most importantly, how to love and be loved freely.

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