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Chae Rin knew she should've trusted her instinct... She'd been feeling a little off since morning but what did she do? She disregard all her discomfort and agreed to have their study date at home. When will she ever learn?

"Oppa! You're home?!" She sounded desperate even to her own ears but before she could even tell him to hide, Yunho had saw him. Chae Rin watched helplessly as her brother froze on spot after finally realizing the other's presence. Everyone knew better than to bring anyone home without first telling Jaejoong about it but Jaejoong wasn't supposed to be home right now.

As soon as she saw the obvious flicker of shock and sympathy in Yunho's eyes, Chae Rin wanted to scream at him telling him to stop looking at her brother like that. But to her surprise, the look vanished as soon as it came.

She could only nod dumbly when Yunho looked at her, smiling. "Hi. I'm Yunho, Chae Rin's partner for a class project. You muct be her brother."

Chae Rin was equally shocked as Jaejoong.

Her brother looked at her, eyes accusing and so full of hurt that he failed to recognize her surprise.

She never told Yunho about him!

But before she could even open her mouth to defend herself, Yunho's next words rendered both sibling speechless. "You both have the same eyes. Very beautiful."

Jaejoong wasn't capable of blushing but the moment her brother looked down, she knew if he could, Jaejoong's cheeks would've been beautifully red. It's because although Yunho had looked at them both, she couldn't ignore the fact that Yunho's gentle gaze lingered on her brother longer. And that little fact, made her smile.

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