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The teenager suddenly stopped stripping his clothes, eyes uncertain.

The customer clucked his tongue rather impatiently. This particular host had taken his interest ever since he first saw him early this year but considering the boy's uniform, he knew better than to try anything funny. Even if the club is shady in more ways than one, everything that happened there is done willingly and agreed by all the parties involved. Going against the rules meant denied access and nobody in their right mind would ever risk that.

Anyway, the boy had always wore white before which meant he's pure, in other words strictly off limit.

Well, not anymore.

But... "Are you regretting this?" Sighing, he stood up. No matter how much he liked the other, he'll never force anyone to sleep with him. Sex is supposed to be about pleasure. For both of them. As of now, even his hormones are not feeling it. "Forget it."

"Wait!" The teenager quickly stopped his first customer with his trembling hand. God, get a grip! "Sorry- I- I'm just- I-" He let go of the older man just to wring his hands together, chuckling awkwardly. After inhaling and exhaling a few times, he tried again. "I'll- I'll continue."

The boy sounded brave and sure but only a blind man won't notice the liquid in his eyes. And only cruel, heartless people won't pity him for it.

"Hey." He's going to regret this for sure but right now, he can't help himself. Slowly he fixed the boy's uniform, buttoning them up before pulling the boy to sit on the bed with him. "Are you forced to do this?"


The answer was immediate so it's the truth. "Then?" He frowned. "Are you desperately in need of money?"

The teenager looked down. "Yes." Ever since he started working at the club, he'd been getting a lot of money even though he only did the menial tasks here. It's more than enough to pay for his mother's medicines and sister's school but... "The hospital refused to operate my mother if we don't have the money. I don't really want to do this but she's deteriorating and the doctor's worried if she cannot wait."


The boy gasped. "It's not that I look down on the other hosts who do this for living! No no no! I know everyone have their reason.. Even the customers like you have your reason too. It's just that..." His voice softened. "I always thought I'd lose my virginity to my wife... or husband... I mean, I always thought my first experience would be with someone I'll spend my life with." He laughed. Why can't I ever close my damn mouth? "Stupid, isn't it?"

"Not really."


"I think that's very respectable." The man smiled sadly and placed a hand on his stomach. "To tell you the truth, I used to think like that too... But things happened. I made some wrong choices in life and here I am. The man I thought would marry me escaped to another country once he found out I'm pregnant. My whole family and close friends are disappointed in me and all I could think of was how to deal with my hormones nowadays. Gosh, I never know how horny one can get once pregnant! So... If you ask me, I'll say my story is funnier than yours. Agree?"

"How many months along are you?" It's no secret. The hosts sometimes talked about this particular customer especially because he's the only pregnant man ever to visit the club regularly. None of them even managed to guess the truth though. Supposedly he's very loud and responsive in bed but quiet and secretive otherwise.

"About five."

"And you're always horny?"

The boy's more curious than nervous now. It's slightly annoying.

"Almost all the time." The man deadpanned and rummaged his wallet for his cheque book. "I'm no longer feeling desperate right now so don't worry. About your mother, I'll pay for her surgery. Here, take this and write down the amount. And no, I'm not giving it for free. I'm loaning you the money and you take your time repaying me, alright?" He stood up, petting the boy's hair and giving him one last smile. "Goodby-"

"Jaejoong-shii, will you marry me?"

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