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It's time.

"Come on Jae, let's go." Knowing there's probably only excuses that Jaejoong's going to say, Yunho simply got out of the car first without listening to his respond. He opened the other door and smiled, offering his hand.

"Yun..." Jaejoong whimpered, eyes going here and there restlessly. He'd started trembling since Yunho and his father picked him up at home and now his condition had only gotten worst. Not to mention he started sweating profusely too.

Yunho felt his heart break a little. But they need to do this. The doctor and psychologist had said it's not good to entertain Jaejoong's fear and let him dwell on it for too long. Jaejoong have to fight it. And he'll be right by Jaejoong's side through the whole thing. "I'll take care of you."

Jaejoong glanced at the school again. They're early but it still doesn't change the fact that in a few more minutes, students would fill this place. People who made fun of him... People who ignored him... People who hurt him... They'll be looking at him and crowding him and laughing at him and jeering b-

"Hey, hey. Jae. Look at me."

Jaejoong blinked. When did Yunho started crouching beside him and holding his hand? Why?

"I'm here this time. I'll never let anything happen to you again." Yunho pleaded, desperate to get Jaejoong his usual self again. His awkward but adorable self. "It's okay to be scared but you have to be strong too. You can do this. I know you can. I believe in you."

Jaejoong nodded albeit unsurely. "I- Promise don't leave me alone?"

"Of course. I'll even follow you to the toilet, okay?"

Jaejoong made a sound, as if laughing, and Yunho couldn't be anymore proud of himself. Ever so slowly, Jaejoong stepped down.

"Thank you Uncle..."

Mr Jung nodded. "No problem. Kay kids, off you go. And Yunho, call me if anything happen alright?" Yunho's father smiled from the driver's seat, waving at them both before driving off to work.

Holding Jaejoong's cold hand in his, Yunho walked side by side with the still trembling boy.

As they neared the front door of the main building, Jaejoong suddenly hid behind him. Yunho immediately realized why.

"Hey hey, eyes on me."

"But- But-" His eyes kept flickering back to the small steps where a few girls were lounging off, chatting with each other.

Yunho's not sure if these girls had anything to do with Jaejoong's bullying since Jaejoong kept mum about the specific. He refused to file a police report or even make any complaint despite everyone's best attempt, which always end up with a breakdown so they had to give up eventually. "Pretend like nobody else exist, okay? You just have to focus on me and everything will be okay."

Jaejoong whimpered but kept his eyes on Yunho.

"Hi Yunho! You're early t- Oh."

"Hi." Yunho smiled just to be polite. The girls exchanged glances with each other, their gaze locked at the cowering frame behind him.

"Hi Jaejoong."

Jaejoong trembled harder but responded nonetheless. "Hi- Hi YoonA."

Yunho smiled and pulled Jaejoong to his side, one hand on Jaejoong's waist just so he won't cower again. "Come on Jae."

Unknowingly two months had passed just like that. Now, Yunho and Jaejoong is inseparable. Wherever Jaejoong is, Yunho would be there too. All of a sudden they found themselves becoming more famous than even the most popular couple at their school, Ji Hoon and Tae Hee, who'd been together since their junior year.

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