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At 17, Jung Yunho already regret a lot of things. He regretted not acing his Primary School's National Examination and disqualifying him from his parents' choice of Secondary School.

He also regretted not taking care of his pet hamster better that it died a few days after he got it. He never managed to convince his parents to get him any pet after that first one.

He regretted putting off replying to Donghae's email when the teenager moved away causing his best-friend to gradually drift apart and move on.

There were more of course, Yunho's sure, but nothing can beat his regret for turning a blind eye on Jaejoong's situation. In truth, Yunho felt as if he's the one who pushed Jaejoong off the rooftop. Not him alone of course. All of them in school. They all had a hand in this tragedy.

Yunho had known Jaejoong from their kindergarten days. Jaejoong was shy, quiet and timid even back then. His pale complexion and gentle personality definitely set him apart from the rest of the kids and because of that, they were never really 'friends'. To be honest, Jaejoong was basically friendless throughout the years Yunho had known him.

But they were so different that Yunho had never known how to befriend the other. Not that he ever felt the need to the more he grew up because Jaejoong was just so different and...strange. Yes, strange.

Jaejoong grew even more reclused and became distinct from the crowd the more he tried to blend in. But Yunho only found out late last year why.

Jaejoong was bullied.

By the female students.

For years.

Yunho had known Jaejoong was ostracized from the male population not only because he was weird but because he was exceptionally gorgeous looking to the point of being pretty. Yunho himself swing both ways and his family and close friends knew about it but there's something about Jaejoong that scared them. He was innocent but dangerously tempting, extremely seductive that even the straight ones avoided him like plagued. It's stupid now that Yunho thought about it but they were fearful Jaejoong will 'change' them and make them do things they won't normally do. So, most boys either pretended he's invincible or make fun of him.

However, Yunho never realized the female students were bullying Jaejoong too. The boys were very obvious with their actions but the girls... He never noticed them shaming Jaejoong since the girls were so shy (sly) and graceful (deceitful).

Not that there weren't any good students in the school but they were either too scared to help or too much of a coward to make a change. Just like Yunho. If only he had said something, if only he had tried to befriend Jaejoong... Maybe Jaejoong will have a reason not to jump off from the school's rooftop. Maybe. Yunho doesn't know. He'll never know.

But Yunho's not going to be a coward anymore.

"Jae, the doctor said you can go home tomorrow and go back to school anytime you want! Isn't that good news? You already missed a lot of school." Yunho smiled and tried his best not to let Jaejoong's fearful expression at the mention of 'school' affected his smile. He exchanged a look with Jaejoong's mother before he gave Jaejoong a white lily. Jaejoong blushed, as always, upon receiving the familiar gift. It's the only thing he look forward to after his failed suicide.

"Jaejoong-ah, Umma have to go home to babysit for Mrs. Kwan's children. I'll come again tomorrow to bring you home okay?" She kissed his forehead and hugged Yunho, whispering a 'please take care of my son, Yunho-ah' before she bade goodbye.

Yunho heaved a sigh as he took a seat near Jaejoong's bed. He'd managed to coax Jaejoong's mother to not transfer Jaejoong to another school but he knew, convincing Jaejoong to come back to the same place that haunted his nightmares will be the hardest task of all. "Jae..."

Jaejoong cowered, looking away and starting to shake his head reverently. "No... No... Yun, I'm... I'm scared..."

Yunho offered him a smile. Taking Jaejoong's cold hand into his, he gave it a squeeze and looked straight into the other's eyes. "Jaejoong, don't be scared anymore. I'm really sorry I didn't do anything to help you before but now, now I'll stand by you. I'm your friend now. I'll protect you. I won't fail you again, Jae. I'll make sure nothing'll hurt you again. I'll-"

"Yunhoyah, why are you crying? Don't cry. Don't cry please. It's not your fault." Yunho didn't realize when he started to cry but feeling Jaejoong wiping the tears so gently, Yunho felt like crying even more. And he did.

"It is my fault. Not doing anything is wrong too. But I learnt the lesson already Jae. I was so scared watching you jump off the building. I keep on seeing your expression at that time and I- I feel like the biggest scum on Earth. I won't let anything happen to you Jae. I already warned them but if they dare try anything, I'll deal with them myself. I won't leave your side, Jae. I promise. This time, I'll protect you."

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