This time in the peppermint lounge...

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The place was just like the cavern, live music and people dancing, Ringo takes my hand and takes me to the dance floor.
Ringo: Can ye dance?
Michelle: (shakes head) no I cannot
Ringo smiles and starts shaking it. I try my best to follow him but I feel like a complete idiot.
Michelle: I can't do this!
Ringo: you can!
He takes my hands and we wiggle to the music they were playing. After a while we got tired and he took me to the bar.
Ringo: want a drink?
Michelle: (shakes head) I'm good
Ringo: C'mon luv!
Michelle: I really don't...
He gives me a look on his face, he knows I love drinks, it was strange to him that I didn't want it this time.
Michelle: Ringo, I don't feel like it really
Ringo: just one small one!
I give a big sigh and he orders two drinks, then he pulls out his cigarettes.
Ringo: want one?
Michelle: no thanks
Ringo: you don't want anything do you!
Michelle: yeah and you have to respect that!
The bartender brings our drinks and Ringo watches me with mine.
Michelle: what?
Ringo: drink it!
Michelle: wait!
I held up the drink and stared at it. I know this is completely bad to do when your pregnant but I'm just afraid to tell him, so I placed it on my mouth and took a big gulp, I suddenly felt sick.
Michelle: oh gosh! (Covers mouth)
Ringo: what? Are you okay?
I had to swallow the gunk and I nodded.
Michelle: I wanna sit down
Ringo: okay
He watches me sit next to Cyn.
Cynthia: are you okay?
Michelle: no, I'm really not!
Cynthia: what's wrong?
I shake my head and I look at Ringo, who's talking to a girl. I take a closer look, he takes her hand and starts to dance with her, closely.
Michelle: I wanna go back...
Cynthia: why?
Michelle: I just need to
I wipe the tear from my eye and head out the club back towards the hotel, I should've never came I'm the first place!


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