Please mister post man, is there Letter for me?

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The post man usually comes around 3 p.m., and I waited beside the door just in case he came a little early. I wanted to be the first to open the letter from Ringo but I really shouldn't get my hopes up, it's been weeks since Helen sent the letter. I laid on the couch playing Helens Beatle records and you know what? They're actually pretty good!

My favorite songs are Here Comes The Sun and Yellow Submarine. Listening to their music made me dream about so many things, happiness and love. Of course I've never been in love before and hardly been happy but just listening to it, it brought a smile to my face. The mail arrived at 2:59, knocking at my door, I immediately get up and open it. He was surprised to see me waiting for him but all he did was smile and hand over the mail. Most of it were addressed to Helen, bills and other crap, but the last one appeared to have Helen and Daisy, I quickly open it.

Dear Helen,

Apologies for the late response, been very busy with the All Starr band but the letter you sent me certainly caught my attention, I do remember Michelle and Daisy. It's been 16 years since I last mentioned their names and I do know it's important I meet up with her. How does next week on Christmas sound? Come over to Liverpool, I will be off and I'd like to spend it with Daisy, to set things straight. Please reply as soon as you get this.

-Richard S.

I smiled big, he actually wants to meet me! I feel like the weight of never knowing who I really am just lifted off, I can just imagine how I'll really feel when I actually talk to him....

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