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When given the chance to make something of yourself, you take it, no matter what the odds might be.

Hiding your bionics is a thing of the past. Now with the majority of the world possessing these bionics abilities of speed, strength, super smarts, and multiple sub-abilities like geoleaping and molecular kinesis, people need to learn how to use them. So what does the creator of such abilities do? He founds an academy in which teens with bionics can learn how to use them.

Chase Davenport is the son of the creator, being the first ever bionic human to date. As the first student enrolled in the academy as well, he takes it upon himself to start a legacy that only he can live up to. He starts the first ever, Bionic Games. Each year, he wins with no competition to take him on, but this year, is different. Bree Henderson, Adam and Marcus Greenberg, and Leo Dooley, have the courage to take on Chase in these games. Five competitors compete to rule to school, all while the boys fall for the only girl. Who will she choose?


D I S C L A I M E R / C O P Y R I G H T

© 2014-2016. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or photocopying without written permission of the author. The exception would be in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical articles or reviews and pages where permission is specifically granted by the author.

This story is a Lab Rats fanfiction based just outside of that same universe.

I officially state here that I do not own any of the Lab Rats characters, places, or other elements involved in the show. Anything of my own creation, I do own.


O R I G I N A L. P O S T I N G.

Start: August 2014

End: June 2016

Edited: TBA

Re-posted: January 2017


S T A T E M E N T. F R O M. M E.

This story was originally posted to my main account - Smilie254. It has now been moved here as this account is now for fanfictions. If you have any questions about the switch, PM me on either profile.

This story has yet to be edited from the first draft. But before each chapter was posted, they were edited for general errors to the best of my ability.

I hope you all enjoy!


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