[ 11 ] The Right Choice

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The Right Choice


"Leo." I groaned as he continued to knock on my capsule Tuesday morning. I rolled my eyes and leaned back against the glass as he pulled the door open. This was only slightly stupid.

"What are you waiting for. Get dressed." Leo ordered as he motioned to the capsule. I held back another eye roll at that. I would be getting dressed if he hasn't come in here and continued to do that.

"Leo, I will not get dressed with you in here." I complained. He frowned.

"But the capsule covers you. Plus it changes you so fast, I wouldn't even be able to see anything. Not that I want to, anyways." He explained as he crossed his arms over his chest. I shook my head.

"My answer is still no. It weirds me out." I relayed stubbornly. He held up his hands in defense before he dropped his hands to his sides. He had made this a constant thing since I had slept in yesterday. He then made it his duty to get me to training right on time since Chase had dropped the job because of the battle for me.

"Fine. I'll go wait in the hallway. You just join me when you're ready." Leo caved before walking calmly over to the door and shutting it behind him. I sighed as I pulled my capsule shut. I wasn't exactly looking forward to training anymore. It was just a little bit before the games and Chase and Marcus were now in an all out battle for me. If its not fighting over who I'll sit by at lunch, it's bionic battles during training. I wasn't so sure if I could handle it anymore... Until the plan came up.

"Bree watch this!" Marcus called as he used his molecular kinesis to throw Chase across the room. Chase grunted as he hit the floor. I could see his face slowly turn from calm to angry before he jumped back up and ran forward.

"Guys." I whined as I laid back on the ground. Chase pushed Marcus to the ground will full force before they were pretty much wrestling. I rolled my eyes as I stood up, following Adam and Leo out of the room.

"Those two." Leo mumbled as we walked out of the training room. I literally had been forced to sit and watch until they hadn't noticed we had left. The two were still throwing force fields at each other as we spoke.

"I know. Talk about immature." Adam agreed as he closed the door quietly. Both boys had ultra sensitive bionic hearing, anything would set them off. Especially Adam calling them immature for fighting over me.

"I'm sorry guys." I mumbled as I played with my hands and walked along with them down the hallway. School had ended about half an hour ago so the hallways were emptied long ago. Leo frowned and looked up to me from his phone. He and Jannel had been completely inseparable since I had last heard.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked while Adam stopped us just around the corner.

"This is my fault." I said as I looked over to them. Leo frowned while Adam nodded along. He had been in this just a few days ago, of course he got it.

"What?" Leo asked again, he was so lost.

"I mean, they won't quit fighting because I told them both that I liked them." I explained as I leaned back against the wall. Adam nodded knowingly while Leo simply stared back at me.

"So you're telling me, that you gave them hope that you would date them both, right before we're about to go in and try to kill each other?" Leo clarified. I groaned and threw my head back as Leo added up the facts for me. It was way worse than I had thought.

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