[ 12 ] The Mission

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The Mission


Two weeks. That's it. Only two weeks until the games. I never knew it would come up this fast. It seemed like just yesterday that I signed up for the games. Even sooner since we started to work on the arena. It's been forever since we actually started. It doesn't seem real.

This was actually insane. The games. Marcus. Adam and Leo being my best friends. Chase not talking with me...

It was the fact that Marcus and I have now been together for three weeks. Chase practically despised the two of Us. It's even pretty great for Marcus and I thought. I still felt bad about Chase, but Marcus was the right choice. It was easy with him. Getting dressed up for the candle light picnics and the little presents he's picked up for me at the gift shops around campus. It was great.

I smiled shyly as I walked into the training area earlier than I usually do to see Chase using his ability to pull a bo staff out of nowhere. Usually Marcus has had to come and find me to bring me to training. But with all of this happening, I wanted to come and talk to Chase. I knew how early he got here now. Almost an hour before any of us, actually. But I needed to talk with him. Alone. I didn't need Marcus right by my side like he has been the past few weeks.

"Chase." I called from across the room as the training doors closed, the sound booming through the room. School hasn't even started yet. He spun around quickly, the staff disappearing into thin air. I watched as his face hardened slowly but surely.

"What are you doing here?" He asked simply as he crossed his arms over his chest, me stopping just a few feet from him. I shrugged. I knew exactly why I was here. I needed to make sure we were okay. Otherwise, I wouldn't only lose a friend, but I would be his one and only target in the games. He would surely take me out first.

"I came to train. It's a little weird with the other guys here." I lied with ease before walking around Chase to the back of the room where the simulator stood. Chase had set up walls that were sound proof around it since Adam had run clear off and almost broke his leg two weeks ago when they put it in here. I tried to warn him that the glasses did weird things to you. Chase nodded and followed me over to the simulator.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked warily. I shook my head. I didn't mind. It might actually make it easier to talk about this if we were training at the same time. I opened the plexiglass doors and stepped inside, holding the door open for Chase as he clicked in the random settings. He nodded to me and raced up the three steps before closing the doors behind us and handing me the glasses. He had enlarged the space so it was about twenty feet round. I slipped on the glasses, the simulation popping up over my vision, Chase standing right beside me. I frowned as I glanced from side to side. This was ten times different from the last time I was in the simulator.

There was crystal water behind us. Like ocean water. Then, just up, was the tallest building I had ever seen. The entire building was covered in a shiny reflective metal that glowed slightly gray because of how dark the sky was. The streets were completely empty and there were a few smaller buildings just around us. I cringed as I heard thunder. I hated it unless I was inside watching the rain, and even then it freaked me out.

"Come on." Chase muttered worriedly as he raced ahead to the building. I frowned and ran after him at normal speed, not wanting to miss how he was doing this. If this was what the actual games would be like, I wanted to be ready. I needed to pay closer attention this time, especially to how he did things. He was the competitor at this point.

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