[ 9 ] Impressing No Matter What

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Impressing No Matter What


I shook my head as Chase lead me through the halls and back to the main lobby of the academy. He turned, looking as though he was about to say goodbye before I gripped his hand tighter.

"What was that?" I whispered as I brought him closer. Chase sighed and glanced from side to side as he tried to find an out. There was no getting out of this, though. He had told his dad I was his girlfriend.

"Nothing." He mumbled as he let his eyes drop to the ground. I shook my head.

"That was not nothing. You told your dad, that I was your-"

"Hey Bree." Leo chirped happily as he walked over to stand next to us. I laughed lightly as he held his massive textbook in his arms. "Marcus tells me you're eating lunch with us today?" I nodded.

"I am." I replied before tugging gently on Chase's arm. "But right now I have to get to class, so I'll see you then." He nodded knowingly.

"Okay. See you then. I have to introduce you to a few people, anyways." Leo rambled before strolling off down the hallway. I frowned as I watched him to. Who could he introduce me to? I mean I hadn't eaten lunch with he, Adam, and Marcus our whole time out of training for the games, but still.

"You want to talk? Somewhere more private?" Chase asked quietly as the girls passing practically came to a stop at the sight of him. I rolled my eyes and motioned for them to keep walking. The two glared at me before pushing past, making sure to bump into my shoulder. Jokes on them though, that only made me run right into Chase's chest.

"Not really." I snipped as I ripped my hand from his and placed it on my hip. He smiled slightly as he looked at me.

"I can explain." He tried again. My attention was taken from him as the bell rang through the hallway. I closed my eyes and nodded, knowing I would never make it to class on time now. Why not ditch with my supposed boyfriend, Chase Davenport. I opened my eyes to see a bright smile on his face before he took hold of my hand in the most gentle way I had ever seen, and took me back down the hallway towards the arena. I frowned as he stopped just in front of it and pulled a key from his pocket.

"Chase? Aren't we not supposed to go in there?" I warned. Chase laughed and nodded as he slipped the key into the doorknob.

"Yeah, but the arena won't really be in place until minutes before the games." Chase pointed out before he pulled the door open. "Plus, what my dad doesn't know won't hurt him." He whispered teasingly against my neck as he stepped aside to let me in. I smiled and walked inside, feeling as though this was still the same area it had been the last time we had been in here. Training would start today down the hall, which, I had been looking forward to since the second I found out that was a thing. Chase shut the door and flipped on the lights to show the huge arena that will soon be filled with some random landscape for us to compete to the almost literal death.

"So, why did you tell him we were an item?" I asked as I placed my hands on my hips. He laughed lightly.

"You're quite stubborn." He teased as he shifted from foot to foot. I nodded, knowing he was spot on.

"I am. But answer my question."

"I just told him we were dating so he would get off my back." Chase said with a breathe. I frowned as he came up beside me and interlinked his fingers with mine before making his way along with me to the steps at the other side of the room that I had never seen before. We walked carefully up until we reached the ledge at the top of the stairwell that looked over the rest of the arena space.

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