[ Epilogue ]

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"Alright guys." Davenport started as he ushered us into the large room. The five of us were still wearing our graduation gowns. The color was grey, to match the interior of the missions academy. We had been here only six months, but the academy was sort of dull and dreary. Perfect environment to train us into becoming the perfect team, right? But, back to the subject matter at hand. Where on earth could Mr. Davenport be taking us?

You look confused.

That's because I am.

Well you probably shouldn't be. My dad's pretty simplistic about anything but science. Even then it's pretty simple.

"Here," Davenport paused as he motioned towards the wall, "are your mission suits!" He cheered. Hanging on hooks against the dark grey walks, were five suits. Three on one side, two on the other. Along the back was an entire wall of them hanging on racks. They were different compared to our's though. "Aren't you guys excited?" Davenport continued. When looking back at how Mr. Davenport was at the Academy of Bionics, he was pretty depressing. Now, he was insanely enthusiastic and cheerful. I always thought it was out of being proud for Chase. But Chase, seems to think otherwise. Despite his recent success in becoming our mission leader.

"Did you design these?" Leo asked as he walked over to the suit with his name on it. Each of our names were written above the suits in electronic lettering in the screens on the walls. Leo quickly lifted his hand up to the suit, rubbing the fabric between his fingers. It looked a little stiff, even from where I was standing.

"Well someone had to do it." Mr. Davenport scoffed, sounding almost defensive. I held back an eye roll at that. We all knew he had spent hours on this. We were his special team.

Your dad's a fashion designer.

No comment?

Well now I feel like you helped him.

"Sure." Adam muttered as he made his way over to his suit. The five suits were all a little different, but they each held the same elements. Mainly in color: red, black, and grey. But each of them held the bionic symbol on either the belt, or the chest for a few of the guys. Marcus and Leo's suits looked almost identical, just as Adam and Chase's held similar qualities.

"Do you expect Bree to change in front of us?" Chase shot back, a bit of an overprotective tone to his words. Though his words alone were overprotective. I shook my head before super speeding out of the room, changing, and speeding back in within seconds. Sometimes I feel like the guys forget my main ability is speed.

"You were saying?" Marcus mocked as he slapped Chase on the back and walked over to the suit that was his. He quickly sent me a wink before pulling down his outfit, and glancing about the room. "And does she expect us to change in front of her?" Marcus quipped, getting a nod from Leo. I could see Chase's cheeks grow a bit red out of the corner of my eye as I quickly made my way out of the room.

I stood in the hallway, which, was just a while down from the training room the five of us had been stuck in for the last six months. After the games, we were almost immediately moved. We actually missed the real graduation ceremony for our class. Adam had ended up in our year after failing an intro to the bionic chip class after the first games.

After we left the academy, Chase and I were able to work through a lot of our differences. That, and Marcus wasn't exactly a factor any longer. Plus, the other two were generally preoccupied with their girlfriends who had competed in the second games. The four were quite cute together. That, and I hadn't really gotten along with Jannel and Caitlin in any of our classes my second year. They'd gotten an attitude if anything.

"Bree?" Chase called out to me as he picked his head out into the hallway. I nodded, spinning around to face him as he made his way over. I had to admit, he looked incredibly handsome in his suit. "That suit's pretty tight." Chase teased as he leaned back against the wall next to me. I laughed as I reached out and connected our hands.

"I could say the same to you. Wonder boy." I locked back, remembering the time Marcus had given him the nickname. We had been training for almost five hours one night. The five of us were so punchy almost anything was coming out.

Chase shook his head. "At least I was going to tell you that you looked cute in your suit." Chase whispered as he played with my fingers, a small smile playing out on his face.

"I was going to say you looked handsome." I whispered back. Chase and I had only just gotten back together a matter of minutes ago. Right before the ceremony, Chase had pulled me aside and asked me to be his girlfriend again. And if you're wondering if we kissed or not... I don't kiss and tell.

"Guys!" Leo shunned from the doorway, his hand holding him up as he gripped it around the frame. "Davenport's going a speech!" I nodded, squeezing Chase's hand a little tighter as the two of us walked back into the room.

The door shut behind Chase and I as we walked in, leaving the six of us trapped in the room. Off to the right, a small door appeared. Through the cracks you could see light shining through. I'm assuming they were literally throwing us out into the field.

"I just wanted to say how proud I am of you five." Mr. Davenport started as he held his hands in front of him. "You've all come so far since your first days at the academy, or otherwise. And it's an honor, to be announcing you all as my elite team." He finished off with a smile before turning and opening the door. Cheers and claps could be heard from all around, only making my stomach twist more than when Chase had initially taken me on that fake mission. I wasn't ready for this.

I watched as Adam, Leo, and Marcus headed out ahead of us, waving as they made their way out into the stage. My breathing began to quicken and my body shook a bit before Chase brought me back with a squeeze of my hand.

"Bree?" Chase whispered, looking into my eyes with concern. "Are you ready for a life of missions we probably won't return from?" He kissed with a goofy grin. I nodded, a laugh escaping my lips.

"As long as I'm with you." I shot back as I pulled him out into the stage. Outside, were seemingly a million people, just waiting to get a glimpse of us. This, was what the rest of our lives would look like. Love, adornment, an everything in between. And I got to experience it all with my four best friends... And my boyfriend.

Mr. Davenport walked confidently up to the microphone before tapping the top, just to make sure everyone could hear him. I could feel my nerves really setting in as he finally announced us. "I now show you all, my elite mission team! These five have been through it all, and I'm happy to announce they're now, mission ready!"


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