[ Q+A ] Part 2

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Question and Answer Part 2


Questions will go in order of who asked first
You guys will be aloud to pose other questions in the comments.

1. Would we have learned anything more about the students' backgrounds'? (I.E. Family, other history...)
I would like to think that we would have gotten to delve a little deeper... But I'll be honest in saying I hadn't planned any further than Chase's, and that was even a maybe.

To give you guys a little more insight:

Chase Davenport. As you all know, Chase was the first bionic of all time. What you also know, is that he was taken into the custody of the FBI until Mr. Davenport could get him out, proving to everyone that Chase was in fact not a threat, but a savior to humanity.
I'll be honest (again) in saying I don't remember the specific time that I had planned he would be in this custody, but I'm assuming about a year-a year and a half.
Before this, however, he was just a normal kid. He had just started high school when all of this started (him getting taken into custody).
He was in middle school when he found out what his father was truly studying (he had just assumed something to do with science/inventing beforehand). Now, with this knowledge, Davenport decides that it would be just awesome if he used his son as the first ever test subject for bionic technology (Davenport is incredibly self centered in this book). He implants Chase with the 'ultimate chip', and sends him out on life threatening missions, before they're caught by the FBI (they had been watching over Davenport's research for quite some time before this).
After Chase gets out, he finds out his father made the deal to start the academy, and that Chase would be practically helping him run it.
We may have found out a little more about Chase's ultimate hatred for his father, or the other acts of how Chase was tortured for info while in custody, but because the book comes from Bree's POV, and Chase and herself were on bad terms, we may not have found out much. This is coming from the second book only.

•Bree Henderson. Bree was completely ordinary as well. Though, when she found out about Chase the bionic kid who was taken into custody, she was interested. Like she's said in the book, she's been following his story since the beginning. She also (was not revealed) helped in trying to get him out of jail by starting some sort of protest online.
She's got a little bit of a hippie attitude about things.
Bree has never been close with her parents. Coming from their point of view, she was a mistake. The two were very into traveling and seeing the world, and when they got pregnant with Bree, it forces them to stay in one place. She is an only child, and was often left home alone. She hasn't, and will never, be close with her parents.
So, when it comes out that they could turn their child into a bionic hero and basically never have to deal wth her again, they jump at the chance. This leads us into Bree's hatred for her parents/the bionic community. Though, Bree does grow to like it as the books go on, since this life has brought her the only family she's ever known (Chase and the others)

Leo Dooley. Leo has literally led the most boring life possible up until this point. His character-ing basically follows the show in the sense that he was sort of an outcast/video game and comic book nerd until his mother got a job at the bionic academy. To follow up with this, she gets Leo a chip so he can go along with her. This is when Tasha meets Davenport, and they start to fall in love. Leo's father is never mentioned, nor has he ever been relevant in Leo's life.
*To follow up on Chase - His mother left when she found out that Davenport implanted Chase with a bionic chip. This was around Chase's sixth or seventh grade year in middle school (age 12-13).*
This is when Leo enters the academy, and sort of wants to reinvent himself when he's around Bree. So, he dubs himself Danger Dooley.

Adam/Marcus Greenberg. These two have lived a generally normal life as well. Marcus is the younger brother by about a year, and Adam has been pretty popular throughout their life. Marcus, being the bad boy in training since they were so young before they came to the academy (he's never done anything illegal, but does usually wear a leather jacket ;D). They lived with their mother and father who are still, madly in love, and they have a younger sister who's around age four. They each work, helping out in the family paint business, as stated during training in the first book.
The boys both found out about the bionic academy online, to which Marcus sneaks out one night with a forged form from his parents, and gets himself a chip. Adam finds out, and basically does the same thing to look cool.
Having no other choice, their parents reluctantly send their kids to the academy. This, is why Marcus is sort of a loner while Adam seems to be the people person out of the two.

2. What about Tasha? Would she ever have showed up?
I believe I mentioned her running the schedule station on the first day of school? Although I've since taken down those chapters, she isn't particularly relevant, but she's always there. She would start to become more of a mother figure for Chase.

3. Would Adam or Leo every get back together with their girlfriends?
No. Jannel and Caitlin have both fully moved on, kind of leaving the guys in the dust. The two then move onto the new girls (Eva Gonzalez and Ocean Weathers) who have joined the games, and are very happy with them. They actually stay together even through the boys leaving for the special mission academy (explained further in part 1 of Q+A).

4. Would Marcus have ever found love again?
I would like to think so. He may not have found this readily in the books, but of course, being the bad boy of the mission crew and actually being IN the mission crew, some girl would have fallen for him.
If I had to pick out a perfect scenario, I would say the gang saved a small town from a water dam break, and stopped at like a dinner or something. To which, he would have dazzled a young waitress (only about four years younger than him) and would keep in close contact with her until the missions lightened up later on in their lives. To which, the two would have started dating, fell madly in love, and moved back to Marcus' home town so they could be close with his parents and younger sister (who now has two kids). I quite like that ending. They also have four kids? Marcus always (secretly) wanted a big family.

5. Would anything happen that would cause them to not be friends anymore?
This is actually a great question, but no, I don't think so. Of course, all being friends and having two of them dating, there would be fights. I'm not going to deny that. But all in all, these guys have been through a lot. The games, their rough backgrounds, and they all know this deep dark stuff about each other after some time. It's almost impossible for them all not to mesh well over all of their compatible traits. They would pretty much be the best of friends through thick and thin.

6. Would the gang every visit the academy again (after graduating)?
Of course! These guys met there, and had some great times there. Of course, they may be required to go back at times and give speeches about how great it is to be bionic. But otherwise, going back to watch the games would be funny to see? Watching them crown the new winners or to judge them :P

(This is my question which will be fun for you guys) 7. Epilogue? Like WAY after this one :P
Well, you guys all know Marcus' ending now.
Bree and Chase, of course, would get into fights from time to time, but would practically be in the spotlight at all times. Though the other three would have to ditch missions after a while, Bree and Chase remain the faces of Bionics for all time. They do get married, about ten years later, and eventually do have kids. Maybe 1-3? You guys can go ahead and name them in the comments, one girl and two boys :P Bree kind of brings Chase and Mr. Davenport back together after a long time coming, and Leo is of course there at thanksgivings with them all. Bree and Chase are re best of friends and she's there to help him through his insanely tough life (dealing with the aftermath of the FBI and whatnot).
Leo and his girlfriend (Eva Gonzalez) break up after a while, but do end up getting back together. Bionics always stick together, right? They end up having one kid, and send her into the bionic academy right away, as Leo is the new principle of the academy following Davenport. His wife is a teacher, just like Tasha and Davenport.
Adam and his girlfriend from the academy (Ocean Weathers) sadly have to split after months and months of not seeing each other, long distance is hard. But when he heads back home to see Marcus and his wife, he meets one of the girls from high school he kind of mistreated. The two bond over common interest in paining, as she's an artist and he's just a painter, and get married. They have two kids, two boys, and Adam takes over his father's painting business.

If you guys have any further questions, leave them below. But prepare yourselves for the epilogue!

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