[ Prologue ]

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I had never planned to be bionic, but my parents, thought otherwise. I had wanted to be apart of the small community that were against it. I'm in too deep now. They gave me bionics. There was no going back, as they told me. I was stuck with super speed for life.

I watched intently as we walked up the steps of the large school, not knowing whether or not I should be happy about this. I wasn't, to be perfectly honest. Like I said before, I was stuck. Bionics were a way of life to most, but a punishment to people like me. My parents always said they wanted the best for me, but the best would have been to leave me out of the bionic frenzy that was happening. I sighed as they led me inside, following the other parents and students inside and to the door where one man stood.

"Welcome to the Davenport Academy of Bionics. Please, take a seat in the back and wait for orientation to begin." He said happily as I stopped along with my parents at the large door. I kept my face flat as I looked up at him. I had seen him before. Donald Davenport. The creator of bionics. He had been around too long in the science world for anyone not to know who he was. It was weird seeing him in person after seeing his face about a thousand times in the pamphlet. He seemed to be pretty full of himself, if you asked me.

"Thank you." My mother cut in before grabbing onto my arm and pulling me deeper into the large room filled with about five hundred seats. The room seemed to be an overfill conference room. The ceilings about a hundred feet high. The walls were painted a light grey color and the floor a darker shade of that same grey. There was a large stage set up at the front of the room with banners and posters surrounding such. Only the teens through ages sixteen to eighteen would be here this year while the academy was expanding. I was not looking forward to being apart of the, exact to the number, one hundred new students that would be joining. The academy was started sometime two years ago, the first student enrolled, was none other than the first bionic himself. Chase Davenport, the just as genius, and if not more arrogant, son of Donald Davenport.

"Are you ready for this?" My mother whispered excitedly to me as they lead me deeper into the room. I shook my head. I had never wanted to come here. But they had picked me along with four others to attend from my old school. It was practically required that I attend.

"No." I mumbled angrily.

"Honey, we're going to leave and go get lunch. Tell us what happens." My dad whispered with a thumbs up before taking my mother's hand in his. I frowned as I looked between the two. They could not be serious.

"Are you kidding? You're supposed to stay here with me." I argued as I crossed my arms over my chest. They shrugged and walked away without a second thought. I rolled my eyes, freezing suddenly as I caught someone staring at me across the room. He smirked as he began to advance towards me, he was still about thirty feet away when Donald Davenport walked up on stage. The boy threw his head back in annoyance before walking back to the bottom of the stage.

"Welcome, parents, and students alike. I'm so happy to welcome you to the third year of the Davenport Academy of Bionics. I, am the principle and founder, Donald Davenport." He started. A chorus of claps could be heard around the room as I tried to find a seat. I sighed as I realized I had come in too late. I walked calmly over to the back and sat down on the floor against the wall, seeing the boy was still watching me intently. I felt my eyebrows raise as I tried to silently ask him what he was doing before I felt a message come through on my chip. I wish I had thought of that.

Bree... What a name.

I rolled my eyes, not seeing his name come up in the chat box that now took over my vision. He had blocked his identity for some reason. I saw no reason why he should suddenly know mine then.

And yours is so special because?

You'll see. By the time this is over, you'll be begging to meet me in person.

I highly doubt that.

I rolled my eyes as I closed out of the chat. I had never understood that half of the software. They were practically making it so students could talk during class. That's how it was last year, anyhow. Before I had to go to this stupid boarding school. I still had no clue what room I was in, let alone who I would be rooming with. The boy smiled as he looked over to Donald Davenport once more.

"Since I can never really articulate the experiences of a student here, I will now introduce my son, the first bionic human in the world, Chase Davenport." He said, motioning for the boy at the side to step up on stage. I felt my mouth drop as he walked up to the front. He couldn't be, but he was. I can not believe I was talking with Chase Davenport.

"Hey there, newbies. I just wanted to come out and say, welcome to the school. You will learn as much about using your bionics as possible, all while earning a new ability by the end of the year if you pass your finals." Chase explained as he clapped his hands together. The cheers began at the mention of a new ability. Whoa. How exciting was that? Note the sarcasm. I hated my bionics as it was. I was fast, what was the big deal? I didn't need more to deal with.

"I have also instated a competition since the first year here. They are called, The Bionic Games. Four other competitors are chosen to compete against me in a battle of the bionics. Whoever wins, wins the opportunity to join the Davenport Industries team. I have won the last two years, so I'm hoping one of you, will put up a fight this year." Chase teased before walking off the stage. A smile set on my face as he walked away, leaving the stage to his dad before making his way over to me. He smirked again as he sat down next to me.

"Well that was quite the treat. Getting to meet the one and only, Chase Davenport. The first bionic in the world." I whispered as he moved in closer. I felt myself grow nervous at the closeness of him to me. He laughed quietly as his dad began to speak again.

"Wasn't it?" He whispered against my ear. I shivered before turning over to face him. He looked almost exactly like his pictures as well. He had been taken into the custody of the FBI when he was thirteen, after they found out he was bionic, before the public fought to get him out. That was when the bionic revolution took place, and everyone was suddenly implanted with bionics. It had been three years since that time, and the third year of the Bionic Academy was this year as well.

"So, has anyone ever joined the games? Or did you scare them away before they were able to try?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going. Chase smiled.

"Scared them away. No one has ever challenged me in the games. But what about you? Are you going to shy away from the challenge as well?" He asked. I shrugged, thinking through it seriously. I had never wanted to be apart of some 'school tradition'. I hadn't even joined a club back home. But this could be huge, a job at Davenport industries. That, and triumph over Chase. You would practically rule the school.

"No, I'm going to beat you at your own game." I replied as I crossed my arms over my chest. He laughed lightly before standing up, holding out his hand to me as he did so. I sighed and allowed him to help me up. He held onto my hand before releasing it to grab onto my hips and pull me closer, my hands flying to his chest in the process.

"May the best bionic win." He whispered huskily in my ear before walking over and out of the room. I threw my head back and looked to the ceiling as the orientation got out. This was going to be a year to remember.


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